【禁闻】胡锦涛强硬保钓 新华社两度改稿






美国“纽约城市大学”政治学教授 夏明:“《新华社》它的发稿,现在我们可以看到,中国国内出现非常混乱的一个局面。混乱表现在,中共上层基本上已经没办法保持一个声音了。各方面利益,各种声音争吵,而且出现了许多杂音。那麽现在涉及到外交政策上,我们都看到,也有不同的声音。”






美国“罗彻斯特理工大学”历史学教授 朱永德﹕“这就是历史上面犯的错误一直没有得到矫正。我觉得这个关键,在我的印像当中,是邓小平说的,‘这个问题,留给下一代去解决。’那麽现在下一代来了,北京似乎到目前为止,他的智慧,没有能够超过怎么样去解决这个问题的智慧。”


Hu Defends Diaoyu Islands—Xinhua Revises Report Twice

September 9—Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chairman
Hu Jintao attended the 20th APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting.
During this period, Hu and Japanese Prime Minister
Yoshihiko Noda had a 15-minute conversation.
Hu made known to Noda, China’s stance on the current
Sino-Japanese relations and on the Diaoyu Islands issue.
Outside views say, Hu’s words showed the toughest stance
by the CCP on the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands) issue
Hu’s tough attitude is causing difficulties for the CCP’s
mouthpiece media, the Xinhua News Agency.

Initially at 12:35, Xinhua News Agency reported that,
at the APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting,
CCP leader Hu Jintao had “solemnly pointed out” to
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda that,
“recent Sino-Japanese relations face a grim state".

Xinhua said, on the Diaoyu islands (Senkaku Islands) issue,

“whatever ways Japanese are using to buy the islands,
they are illegal, invalid, and China resolutely opposes it.”

However, half-an-hour after issuing the report, Xinhua’s chief
editor’s office removed the script without any explanation.
At the same time as the withdrawal, Xinhua News Agency
issued another short draft, changing their reporting stance of
“China resolutely opposes Japan from buying the island" to
“China hopes Japan will not make the wrong decision".
Xinhua only briefly reported on Hu and Noda’s conversation,

saying Hu had expressed China’s stance on the current
Sino-Japanese relations and the Diaoyu Islands issue.

However, at 20:25, “Xinhua issued their initial report again,
adding a sentence: “China called on Japan to work together”.

New York City University(NYCU)’s political professor, Xia
says, it means there is disharmony within the CCP’s top level.

[Xia Ming, NYCU Political Professor]: “We can see
from Xinhua News Agency’s script that it is very confusing in China;
the confusion lies in there being no way to maintain
a one voice within the inner CCP.
There are the interests of all parties, a variety of quarrels,
and also a lot of noise.
When it comes to foreign policy, we have also seen that
there are differing voices.”

Hong Kong media analyses, “The Xinhua News Agency
deleted the content of their report;
its intention was of not wanting to further deteriorate
the Sino-Japanese relations.”
But later, Xinhua had to issue the report again under pressure
from public opinion and anti-Japanese sentiment;
the original report proved ‘easy to publish
but difficult to withdraw’.

Professor Xia Ming says the Diaoyu Islands issue is utilized as
a brand of nationalism by the CCP; yet nationalism is risky.

[Xia Ming]: “The CCP wants to get Diaoyu Islands, but really
it’s hopeless, so in this case, it does not make any sense fighting;
the CCP is utilizing it as a brand of nationalism.

What’s terrible is that the CCP incited the public’s nationalist
sentiments on the Diaoyu incident—there’s no compromise and it’s difficult to end.

After the end of World War II, in 1972, the U.S had
returned Okinawa Island to Japan.
According to the US-Japan Security Treaty, the administration
authority of Diaoyu Islands belongs to Japan.
In 1951, Zhou Enlai made it clear that, the Ryukyu Islands
(including Diaoyu Islands) are Japanese territory.
And in August 1978, China and Japan signed a peace treaty,
agreeing to let the next generation resolve the islands dispute.

Zhu Yongde, professor emeritus of New York University
of Rochester (NYUR), points out that, due to historical errors,
the Diaoyu Islands issue is difficult to resolve today.

Zhu Yongde: “The mistakes had been remained from the past.

I think the point is, from my memory, Deng Xiaoping had said
that ‘This issue is left to the next generation to solve’.
So now it’s the next generation, and Beijing’s regime
has no ability to solve this problem.”

Although finally Hu Jintao showed inflexibility
on the Diaoyu Islands issue,
the Xinhua News Agency had made two changes within
half a day, coming from top CCP leaders’ discussions.
This has not only surprised overseas Chinese media,
but also Japan’s Jiji Press, who says it is a rare confusion.
