【禁闻】王立军被公诉 只字未提薄熙来










美“乔治梅森大学”教授章天亮:“我认为薄熙来的案子在十八大之前会有个交代, 实际上薄熙来案件拖这么久,不管是对中共来讲,还是对胡锦涛个人来讲,其实都是非常不利的。中共在处理这个问题的时候,我相信,它都是跟薄熙来做一个切割。”


唐吉田: “很有可能的话,是在中共的,最近的某一次政局会议上,先定一个调,最后是不是刑事追究,还取决于他们内部的协调,现在通过谷开来,以及之前的几个案子,乃至于王立军的案子来看,最终我觉得还是他们要把它作为个案,尽量的不把他们联系到一起,以减少对执政高层的冲击, 对他们执政集团的这种形象的影响。”



采访/陈汉 编辑/李韵 后制/肖颜

Wang Lijun Charged but Severed from Bo Xilai

Wang Lijun, Chongqing’ former police chief and vice mayor,
was charged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
However, the authorities severed Bo Xilai’s case
from the trial of Wang Lijun.
Analysts say, Wang probably won’t be given
a death penalty.
Wang Lijun’s conviction has direct and indirect links
to the later handling of Bo Xilai’s case.
The connection is expected to be shown
by the end of 2012, or early 2013, according to analyses.

In August, Gu Kailai, Bo Xilai’s wife, was given suspended
death penalty for killing British businessman Neil Heywood.

On September 5, CCP’s official media Xinhua News Agency
reported news about Wang Lijun being charged.
Wang reportedly “neglected his duty and perverted justice”
to intentionally protect Gu Kailai.
Wang Lijun was charged for a battery of crimes, including
malpractices, defection, abuse of power, and graft.

Xinhua agency did not reveal details
about Wang’s crimes.
Earlier on, Chongqing’s four senior police officers
were handed jail sentences of between 5 and 11 years.
They were charged with
the crime of perverting the course of justice.

Chinese lawyer Tang Jitian estimates that Wang Lijun
may be given life imprisonment.

Tang Jitian: “Wang Lijun isn’t very likely to be given
death penalty or fixed-term imprisonment.
He may be given a combined punishment for several crimes.
His conviction will be offset by contributions he has made.
If the contributions are regarded as general,
he may be given lenient penalty at the most;
if they are considered as major contributions,
there will probably be a commutation.”

Hong Kong-based writer, Cheung Shing Kok, analyzes
that Wang Lijun may face similar to Gu Kailai’s conviction.

Cheung Shing Kok: “Strictly speaking, those like Wang Lijun
should be given more than death penalty, an execution.
He has killed so many innocent people, and his sins
of involving in live organ harvesting are just countless.
He even added such evil to his academic research,
that’s going against human nature to the extreme!”

CCP’s regime did not mention Bo Xilai neither in Gu Kailai’s
conviction, nor in the charge of Wang Lijun.
Professor Zhang Tianliang from George Mason Univ. says,
this indicates the regime intends to cut off Bo Xilai’s case from both, Gu Kailai and Wang Lijun’s cases.

Zhang Tianliang: “I think Bo Xilai’s case will be handled
ahead of the 18th Party Congress.
Actually such a long delay in handling Bo’s case is very
unfavorable to both CCP’ regime and Hu Jintao personally.
I believe the CCP will surely sever Bo Xilai’s case
from Wang Lijun’s.”

Tang Jitian says, the CCP’s handling of Wang Lijun’s case
will directly and indirectly affect the conviction of Bo Xilai.
Such influence will only be shown until the end of 2012,
or early next year.
Tang reveals that legally, Wang Lijun’s trial
should be followed by handling Bo Xilai’s case.
However, there is no ample time to do this,
Tang thinks.

Tang Jitian: “It’s very probable that the CCP will firstly
set the tone in a Politburo meeting.
Whether Bo will be criminally charged in the future,
depends on their internal compromises.
The handling of Gu Kailai’s case, other previous cases,
and even Wang Lijun’s case, has shown that they want to isolate Bo Xilai’s case.
That will help reduce the shock to the CCP top leadership
and lower the negative impact on their ruling image.”

The Epoch Times analyzed that Bo Xilai was deemed
successor by Jiang Zemin for the 18th Party Congress.
This is because Bo had actively implemented Jiang’s policy
of brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
Bo Xilai thus premeditated a coup with Zhou Yongkang
to seize power from CCP’s next leader Xi Jinping.

Zhang Tianliang remarks that an exposure of Bo Xilai’s
enormous crimes will definitely trigger the collapse of CCP.
Therefore, the way Bo Xilai’s case is handled
has put the CCP’s regime in a dilemma.
