【禁闻】传最新7常委名单 中共维稳依旧


《人民日报》“迎接党的十八大”特刊,29号推出“重庆篇”,其中包括《重庆新起点新征程》和《坚定科学发展推动富民兴渝》的评论文章,文章引用重庆市委书记张德江的话说: “当前重庆仍处欠发达阶段。”











蓝述表示,即将到来的中国社会巨变,会推着中共领导层认识: 他们犯下了不可挽回的错误。

采访编辑/刘惠 后制/ 周天

Politics and Law Committee not in the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) New Power Core

Recently CCP mouthpiece newspaper People’s Daily published
a special issue on Chongqing, stressing scientific development.
The Epoch Times newspaper obtained information about
the list of seven new standing committee members.
Besides Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, it also includes Wang Qishan,
Yu Zhengsheng, Zhang Dejiang, Li Yuanchao and Wang Yang.
The original member representing Politics and Law Committee
was kicked out, together with another in charge of propaganda.
Public comments say CCP’s 18th Assembly maintains CCP’s
dictatorship, deaf to public calls for solving imminent problems.

People’s Daily’s published a special issue-Expecting the
Party’s 18th Assembly on Chongqing, incluing two articles;
“Chongqing’s New Journey” and “Scientific Development
Brings Prosperity to Chongqing.”
Citing Chongqing Party Secretary Zhang Dejiang, the articles
said,"Chongqing is still in an underdeveloped stage."

Zhang Jian, researcher on Chinese issues pointed out these
articles indicate Chongqing’s chaos under the scandals of Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai.
Chongqing authorities expressed their allegiance
to Hu Jintao with these articles.

Zhang Jian, researcher on Chinese issues: “They (Chinese
officials) are very worried about their future fate.
On one hand, they are afraid of being purged by colleagues;
On the other hand, they fear punishment by the people.
All the officials know that once in the wrong group,
they will immediately be punished without any hesitation.

The Epoch Times said that Xi Jinping will serve as CCP’s
General Secretary and President,
Yu Zhengsheng as Chairman of Standing Committee,
Li Keqiang as Prime Minister,
Zhang Dejiang as chairman of People’s Political
Consultative Conference, Li Yuanchao as Vice President,
Wang Qishan as Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council,

Wang Yang as Secretary General of Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection.
There is no position for Politics and Law Committee
or Department of Propaganda.

Reuters reported that Zhou Yongkang showed
hesitation in the punishing Bo Xilai;
he also made a mistake to allow Chen Guangcheng
to flee into American Embassy.
These mistakes led Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping to reach a
consensus that the Politics and Law Committee be downgraded.

It is understood that Jiang Zemin forced the Politics and Law
Committee into the Standing Committee to exercise the national persecution of Falun Gong.
Both Yu Zhengsheng and Zhang Dejiang listed on the new
Committee have been accused of persecuting Falun Gong
practitioners by Investigate the Persecution of
Falun Gong International Organizations.

History professor Liu Yinquan said China’s problems cannot
be solved without first addressing the Falun Gong issue.
Political critic Lan Shu believes that CCP still tries to maintain
its dictatorship for economic and other interests.
He said that CCP does not care if its officials have committed
bloody crimes and only cares about power after 18th Assembly.

Political critic Lan Shu: “CCP’s crackdown on Falun Gong
and others has triggered strong responses from the public.
CCP took advantage of such reactions to be political weapons
for their power struggle.
After ridding their political enemies, they do not try to change
the system that has give rise to the bloody crimes.
Neither have they reflected on the stability-control mechanism
that has caused such a huge public anger.

Public opinions hold that Yu Zhengsheng does not have much
chance to enter the Standing Committee due to his reticence.”

Zhang Jian said under current turbulent political situation,
the new list of committee members is still subject to change.
He said that CCP officials are well aware of CCP’s fate of
disintegration like other totalitarian countries in the world.
They are anxious to transfer family and properties abroad.

Zhang Jian: “I will not have any hope for CCP’s 18th Assembly,
or to CCP itself.
Only after you experience democracy in the West
can you really understand CCP’s evil nature.
Giving up its evil nature, CCP will face punishment
by justice and by all Chinese people.”

Lan Shu said that the upcoming upheavals in China will lead
CCP leaders to understand their irreparable error.
