【禁闻】国旗插上钓鱼岛 图片造假遭谴责

【新唐人2012年8月17日讯】国旗插上钓鱼岛 图片造假遭谴责







港台热赞钓岛行 喉舌媒体无表示









Diaoyu Islands Flag: “Brandish a Knife To Castrate Oneself”

On August 15, Hong Kong successfully planted Chinese
flags in three places bordering the Diaoyu Islands(Uotsuri Jima).
On August 16, China’s media reported the incident
of those defending the Diaoyu Islands.
They showed images of the national Kuomintang flag,
and the five-star red flag of the regime.
Mainland media were bothered by the flag in the hands
of those defending Diaoyu Islands, and blocked the images.
However, netizens had already seen the images
and were quick to voice their disagreement.

Xiamen Daily directly changed the Kuomintang national flag
with the five-star red flag with retouching tools.

Channel Guide and Southern Metropolis Daily also used
retouching tools to alter the images, and the flag was hidden.

Beijing News divided the original picture into two segments.

The national flag of Kuomintang was cut out,
leaving only the five-star red flag.
Netizens ridiculed this saying,
“brandish a knife to castrate oneself, do not hesitate."

Shenzhen’s Jing Bao used large bold print to cover the flag.

Huaxi Dushi Bao also handled the reporting in a similar way,
a black bar specifically extended to the right to block the flag.

These acts of blatant fraud, aroused the indignation
of the people from the mainland.
They accused mainland media’s fooling of the people
as becoming a habit.

Hong Kong’ Boat on Diaoyu Island

In defending the Diaoyu Islands, a Hong Kong boat landed
on a beach, making the declaration of sovereignty.
This caused a tremendous reaction in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

On August 16, their media reported the incident, praising
the bravery of those who defend the Diaoyu Islands.
They also condemned the unlawful arrest
of the 14 Chinese activists by the Japanese authorities.

In sharp contrast with the reports in Hong Kong and Taiwan,
mainland Chinese media did not report the incident.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) top five mouthpiece media,
did not even acknowledge the event.
This includes People’s Daily (home and overseas editions),
Economic Daily, Guangming Daily, Liberation Army Daily.

Prof. Shi Pu from Henan Institute of Finance MBA School
of Politics and Law commented on the issue online.
Prof. Shi said, “This five newspapers will be the top ones,
which the Chinese history will be ashamed of.”

Senior Staff Reveals Dark Story of Live Organ Harvesting

The Epoch Times News had an exclusive report recently,
on a senior staff who worked over 20 years in the health system of Jinan, Shangdong.
The person revealed that, Qianfoshan Hospital in Jinan City,
and the Police General Hospital are involved in live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.
And that these hospitals get their specific instructions
directly from the CCP’s central government.

The report quoted a messages from the staff, that many
of the organ transplantations were done by the two hospitals.
And that they work together with Shandong Province Prison,
Shandong Province Women’s Prison and other prisons and labor camps.

The report said that Qianfoshan Hospital
has carried out many organ transplantations.
Many transplantations’ doctors are from other hospitals,
without signatures after the operations.
Therefore, the names of the transplantation doctors
and related data files cannot be found.
