【禁闻】周克华案 重庆警方击毙的是谁?

【新唐人2012年8月15日讯】周克华案 重庆警方击毙的是谁?








重庆公安获奖 民众不满








Did Police Kill The Real Serial Murderer?

Recently, trial of Zhou Kehua, a serial murderer who killed
several people in a few provinces, drew netizens attention.
On Aug 14, media reported that Zhou was shot dead
by Chongqing police.
The news aroused controversy
amongst netizens again.

A netizen analyzed that according to the photo taken on site,
Zhou could’ve done suicide.
Netizens questioned whether on the photo was the real Zhou,
killed by the police.
They requested the police to publicize
Zhou’s photo showing his face.

The issue of Zhou Kehua, an armed robber killing people
in Chongqing, shocked the nation.
The latest China’s most wanted man’s photo
has been revealed.
In January, he was suspected to have shot a man,
trying to withdraw money from banks in Nanjing.
The Nanjing police issued most wanted man’s notice,
the name was Zeng Kaigui.

Netizens compared the photo provided by the police,
with Zhou’s old picture, analyzing the media’s report, and asking many questions.

For example, Zhou’s age in the photo seems between
28 to 32, but Zhou is 42 this year.

In addition, Zhou dressed smart in the photo,
his trousers was ironed nicely.
His leather shoes had no dust, his hair looks neat, he doesn’t
look like having been killed and left there for four days.
The police said both sides shot each other,
and Zhou died later.
Theoretically, Zhou should hold gun at the moment
he was shot dead, but in the photo he didn’t.

Some people questioned, according to Netease News’ earlier
report, Zhou’s primary school classmate Chen Qihong said Zhou’s appearance didn’t change in the picture.
If so, Zhou should be slimmer,
but he didn’t look same in the photo.

Netizens’ Anger to Chongqing police’s Award

Mainland China media reported that Chongqing police
was rewarded by the central police ministry for killing Zhou.
This news had also aroused public’s controversy.

Many believe that it was police’s weakness on catching
Zhou over several years, letting Zhou stay away from sentence for eight years.
Nine people had been killed by Zhou.
However, the police received awards, how shameful.

Netizen @Jingz_DJ said that it took eight years to catch
a criminal and over ten thousands of police force staff.
Several police were killed, how shameful to be rewarded?!
Our tax payers are paying you, really shameful!!

Some people questioned, catching criminals is police’ job,
does doing their jobs also need to be rewarded?

Lawyers pointed out that without forensic inspection,
casually announcing solving a case and awarding the police violates the law of Criminal procedure.

Netizen LianDi said this is without DNA test and family’s
recognition, without witness and identification.
It only relies on a bloody photo,
and within two hours gives the awards.
Though it is not sure the dead man was Zhou,
it is said to be a fact that he must be Zhou.

Some netizens commented that Zhou was harmful
to the community and an individual terrorist.
But Zhou Yongkang and Zhou Benshun, the Political and
Legislative Affairs Committee are state terrorist, a real danger to the society.
Only by removing individual terrorists
the country’s problems cannot be resolved.
