【禁闻】18大前胡锦涛军中布局 暗藏交易?

【新唐人2012年8月1日讯】7月30号,中共中央军委举行晋升上将军衔警衔仪式,胡锦涛颁发命令状,6军头被晋升上将。其中主张民主自由并力挺胡锦涛的“国防大学”政委刘亚洲,和曾发表疑似“ 唱红”文章、被看作薄熙来人马的成都军区政委田思修,同时晋升上将,让外界吃惊不小。学者指出,军中根基不深的胡锦涛想再当两年军委主席,就不得不做交易。


刘亚洲是中共元老李先念女婿,2003年刘亚洲晋升为空军中将军衔。他曾在2010年在媒体刊文批评中共现行政治体制,并有“ 一个政治制度若不能让公民自由呼吸等‘必然灭亡’”的言论。今年4月,他在中共党媒《求是》杂志发表名为《增强讲政治顾大局守纪律的自觉性和坚定性》的文章,其中两次提到胡锦涛,被认为是中共军方红二代对中央高调表态“ 效忠”的表现。

刘亚洲曾赴美做过访问学者,得出美国成功之道,“ 不在于华尔街,也不在于硅谷,而在于长盛不衰的法治和法治背后的制度。”他曾大胆预测,十年内中国将从威权政治转型民主政治。


不过,成都军区政治委员田修思的晋升则令外界看不懂。香港《明报》海外版日前报导,田修思今年4月发表类似“ 唱红”的文章,他先对“国防文化”大肆吹捧,然后,话锋一转又提到了“ 红歌”。他被外界视为薄派人马。








采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/周天

Hu Jintao Appoints Six Army Generals

A ceremony for conferring the rank of General was held by
military authorities of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Hu Jintao delivered commissions at the ceremony
on July 30th to six new Generals.
One of them is Liu Yazhou, who advocates democracy
and freedom, and openly supports Hu Jintao.
Another one, Tian Sixiu, who was seen a “red-culture” follower
of Bo Xilai, made a big surprise with his promotion to the public.
Commentators say, a political deal was made behind the promotion,
as Hu Jintao tries to hold military head tenure for two more years.

The six newly promoted Generals are:
Du Jincai, deputy director, the General Political Department,
Liu Yazhou, political commissar, the National Defense University,
Du Hengyan, political commissar, the Jinan Military Region,
Tian Xiusi, political commissar, the Chengdu Military Region,
Wang Jianping, commander, the Armed Police Force, and
Xu Yaoyuan, political commissar, the Armed Police Force.

Liu Yazhou, the son-in-law of Li Xiannian, one of
the CCP’s veterans, was promoted to the rank of Air Force lieutenant general in 2003.
In his articles published in 2010, Liu criticized the existing
political system,
saying “a political system is doomed
if it prohibits the citizens from breathing freely.”
This April, Liu Yazhou twice mentioned Hu Jintao in his article
published in the Qiushi Journal, an official media of the CCP.
Liu’s remarks were considered as “loyal pledge” to Hu Jintao
on behalf of the 2nd generation of the CCP’s revolutionary cadres.

Liu Yazhou once went to the U.S. as a visiting scholar.

He attributed the American success to
“the thriving rule of law and the establishment behind it.”
Liu even predicted that within a decade, China will have
a transformation from authoritarian to democracy.

Xu Fenlin, Guangzhou Military Region commander,
unsurprisingly failed to be promoted for having close ties with Jiang Zemin.
While Liu Fulian, political commissar of the
Beijing Military Region,
known as the most reliable minor of Hu Jintao,
unexpectedly did not get promotion.

Tian Xiusi’s elevation puzzled the public.
Hong Kong’s “Ming Pao" has reported that Tian praised
“singing red-songs” in his article published this April, who was deemed under Bo Xilai’s force.

Wu Fan (Chief Editor, China Affairs): “People who have ties with
Bo Xilai, like LiuYuan, Chengdu Military Region political commissar,
and even the Chongqing Garrison Commander, have all shown up.
This is a very obviously political deal indicating that
Hu Jintao will make no further investigation on Bo Xilai’s case.
Hu thus gained two benefits:
1. Having controlled and stabilized the military;
2. Stays on as Military head for extra two years.”

Wu Fan notes that Hu Jintao does not have
deep foundations in the army.
If he wants to keep the military chief post,
he needs the support from the majority of the army generals.
That is why Hu pardoned all military generals linked to Bo Xilai.

However, Hong Kong’s Apple Daily commented that
this investiture ceremony has been repeatedly delayed.
Plus the CCP’s Beidaihe meeting was not held
as scheduled on July 25.
This showed an intense fighting is stilling going on
among the CCP’s top-level for the personnel assignments in the Party, its regime and the army, said the news report.

Wen Zhao (Critic): “The Central Military Commission(CMC) is
also facing a leadership transition at the CCP’s 18th congress.
That involves the issue of internal promotion.

So the army factions colluded with the political cliques to
form a mutual supportive situation, which gave rise to a very complex reality.”

Wen Zhao says that Hu Jintao gained support from army
top seniors including Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou.
But Hu faces a difficult balancing act between getting an overall
military control by rank promotions and stabilizing the army.
For Hu Jintao, having his men elevated into the CMC
is an important part at the 18th congress.
It is also a component of Hu’s plan of overall power divisions,
according to Wen Zhao.

The Ming Pao said, it was the first time in the history of
the CCP’s armed police force that
its commander and political commissar were both
promoted at the same time.
This is related to its heavier role that the armed police force
have played for “stability preservation” over recent years, the article commented.

The Apple Daily warned that the regime’s high-handed
“stability preservation” policy will continue on the media, the internet, and on the public petitions.
