【禁闻】网友关注昂山素季 热议中国民主

【新唐人2012年6月25日讯】网友关注昂山素季 热议中国民主



大陆作家傅国涌把昂山素季称作“亚洲最美的女人”。他在微博上发帖说:“ 21年后,昂山素季终于站在了奥斯陆,她从容的、平静的向世界发出她的声音,她胜过了那黑暗的权势,或许更应该说,是缅甸民族胜过了黑暗的权势,是文明胜过了野蛮。”



网曝宋祖英海外改词 弃 “共产党”






Netizens Support Aung San Suu Kyi for China’s Democracy

Myanmar’s democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi
is visiting Europe.
She not only drew European media’s attention,
but also the interest of netizens in China.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) supported
Myanmar military regime for a long time.
However its media reports rarely covered Suu Kyi’s visit.

However, on Twitter and microblogging, Suu Kyi’s photos and
speeches made during her visit to Europe were widespread.
Mainlanders show support of Suu Kyi’s democracy ideas.

Writer Fu Guoyong in China called Suu Kyi
“Asia’s most beautiful lady”.
Fu tweeted: “After 21 years, Suu Kyi has finally stood in Oslo.
She calmly, peacefully spoke to the world.
She stands above the dark power, meaning Myanmar people
are higher than the dark controller;
civilization overtakes the brutal killing.”

Some netizens took the chance to comment on China’s
democratic future.

Netizen Zhang Xiaolin posted, Myanmar is in transition
from dictatorship to democracy,
setting a remarkable example of how to ease the pressure of
China’s maintaining “stability”.

Song Zuying Changed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
Song Lyrics?

Recently, in Sina microblog, a post about “Song Zuying
changing song lyrics of the CCP in a Sydney concert.”
The post was circulated by netizens, then appeared in search
engine Baidu, arousing discussion.

On June 24th, Tang Gula, a well-known volunteer worker of
the Sichuan earthquake posted on Sina microblog:
Song Zuying changed song’s lyrics in Sydney concert.

She changed “The CCP’s love is deeper than East Sea” to
“Parents’ love…”
This shows the bottom line of a party member:
as soon as they went abroad, they betraying their party easily.
Actually, all party members understand that the evil of the CCP
won’t be accepted in the world.
However, inside China, they rely on the evil to bully their
own citizens.

Netizens commented if “The first lady” Song Zuying
would also know shame?
She took off the mask in an overseas concert,
did she feel it a disgrace to praise the CCP?”

However, whether Song Zuying has really sung the words
“Parents’ love” in Sydney concert or not, hasn’t been confirmed.
