




艾未未取保候审期满 获一半自由








据《美国之音》报导,柬埔寨副总理萨肯(Sar Kheng)星期四表示,柬埔寨方面目前决定先不遣返或引渡多维尔,而是让他留在柬埔寨。

A human wall stopped police from arresting Falun Gong practitioner

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s persecution of Falun
Gong is being resisted by more and more Chinese people.
Recently hundreds of people in Tangshan, Hebei Province,
formed a human wall,
in a nearly two hour confrontation with the police,
stopping police from arresting the Falun Gong practitioner.
This story is right on the heals of another story we reported
on in which people in many regions
appealed to release Falun Gong practitioners by signing
their names with their fingerprints.

According to Minghui Net, on the morning of June 9th,

Tangshan City’s 610 office and CCP Politics and Law
Committee manipulated public security police,
broke into Falun Gong practitioner Li Zhen’s home,
located in “Wenxin Jiayuan” house block, Kaiping District.
They tried to arrest Li Zhen, who was resting at home.
Li Zhen’s wife shouted for help.
After hearing the shouting, hundreds of residents came
to question the police, denouncing them.
They also lined up and formed a human wall to stop police
from taking Li Zhen away.

The residents confronted the police for nearly two hours.
The police still forcibly took away Li Zhen.
The residents, angry at police, proposed a joint letter asking
for the release of Li Zhen.
Immediately, many people responded.
Some people spontaneously provided paper, pen and inkpad.
On the spot, more than 70 persons signed their names
and pressed red handprints.

Ai Weiwei gets half his freedom with the expiration of release on bail

With the expiration of his release on bail, Chinese activist/
artist Ai Weiwei’s bail has been lifted by the police of Chaoyang Branch, Beijing.
Ai Weiwei, whose sentence was limited for 12 months,
nominally gets back his personal freedom.
But at the same time, the Beijing police told him that he faces
charges of possession of pornography, bigamy and illegal exchange of foreign currency, among others.
He is not allowed to travel abroad.

Ai Weiwei told BBC that the police of Chaoyang District,
Beijing, informed him that only if he agreed not to leave China, would he regain his passport.
Ai Weiwei said that such a statement by the police is illegal.

Ai Weiwei was arrested by the police at Beijing Capital
International Airport on April 3, 2011.
After being detained for over 2 months, Ai Weiwei
was charged with tax evasion.
After his release on June 22, Ai Weiwei was prevented from
going abroad for one year, and his passport was confiscated.

Cambodia temporarily delays extradition of Frenchman Devillers

Two weeks ago, Cambodian authorities arrested French
architect Patrick Devillers, who is involved in the case of Bo Xilai.
But Devillers has not been charged in either Cambodia
or China.

The British “Daily Telegraph" reported that a spokesman
of the Cambodian government confirmed on Wednesday that
the CCP government hopes to extradite Devillers to China
because of the Heywood death case.
However, Beijing has not provided Cambodia with any
details linking Devillers to the case.

It was reported that Devillers is currently being detained
in the immigration custody center in Phnom Penh.
France made representations to Cambodia, requiring Cambodia
to explain the reason and accusation for arresting Devillers.
France warned Cambodia can not take any further action
with Devillers without clear legal basis.

According to the Voice of America (VOA), Cambodian
Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng said on Thursday that
Cambodia decided not to return or extradite Devillers,
but let him stay in Cambodia.
