范岵昶:“一党专制这是人类现在最低劣的政府行为。这是全世界都认同的。只有走向民主化才是救中国的唯一道路。 现在已经到了一个死胡同,人民都起来反抗。 他们不改变只有死路一条啊,完全改变我觉得还需要一点时间,但是局部的改变我觉得肯定会有的。”
汪北稷:“ 到国外来之后,逐渐逐渐了解了很多在国内看不到的信息,这种信息对他们的影响,应该是从量变到质变。 包括《看中国》、《大纪元》、《新唐人》,孩子们终于相信这些媒体不是在胡说,不是说因为什么原因去诋毁中共。所有的事情都不是海外的媒体造成的结果,都是中共的体制造成的结果。”
汪北稷:“我觉得这是一个很深刻的事情。小孩子们觉醒了,老孩子也觉醒了,中共是最怕最怕的。 因为这些孩子在海外留学,他们也有同学在国内,他们也有老师在国内,父母在国内。他们的勇气必将会传染过去,必将会感染他们。”
采访/陈汉 编辑/王子琦 后制/萧宇
An open letter by overseas students to Hu and Xi: discard autocracy
Before the 23rd anniversary of the June 4 incident, a group of
Chinese students in the US born after the 80s sent an
open letter to the current and future presidents of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.
The letter called on Hu and Xi to discard the one-party autocracy,
and execute universal suffrage.
In the letter the students expressed their shock upon learning of
the June 4 Incident, concealed for 23 years by CCP.
Let’s hear out what these students have to say.
The open letter calls on Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping to
“bravely choose a political system based on universal values,
discard the one-party autocracy, and implement universal suffrage,
a multi-party system and an independent judicial system.”
Fan Huchang, the chief student proponent of the open letter,
told New Tang Dynasty TV (NTD) that
they hope that in doing so, China will become better and
become a democratic nation.
Fan Huchang said: “One-party autocracy is currently the
worst government conduct in the world.
Only by moving toward democracy can China be saved.
Now [the government] has run into a dead end, and the populace fights against it.
They would have no way out without reforms. A complete reform
may take some time, but I am confident about partial changes.”
The open letter said that according to current education in
China, “history chose the Communist Party.”
But history chooses more than once, and people have the right
to choose another party at any time. That is the real historical logic.
The letter also mentioned the Wang Lijun, Bo Xilai, and Chen
Guangcheng incidents,
the elections in Taiwan and the US, as well as the
enlightenment from the Chinese Nationalist Party.
Wang Beiji, current affairs commentator, said with
deep feeling that China’s overseas students finally see the
truth after the Wang, Bo, and Chen cases happened this year.
Wang Beiji said: “After coming abroad, they have access
to information that is forbidden in China.
The influence finally leads to qualitative change
from quantitative change.
From Kanzhongguo, Epoch Times, NTD, these kids finally
realize that these media are not lying or slandering CCP.
What has happened is a result of CCP’s political system,
rather than the overseas media.
These Chinese students said that what shocked them most
after coming to US was the truth about June 4 Incident.
When first seeing images of the dead students and citizens
from the June 4 incident, they thought the photos were fake.
And as young students in their 20s, they were completely
unaware of this tragedy in China.
Because of this, they questioned:
What kind of education is that in China?
They hope for the government’s reconciliation
of the June 4 Incident.
Wang Beiji said: “I find it a rather meaningful thing.
[Chinese youth] have awakened, and for the CCP, that’s the very most terrifying thing.
These kids are studying abroad, and have classmates,
teachers and parents in China.
Therefore, their courage will for sure spread and
influence others.”
Recently, slogans such as “reconcile June 4” and “punish
those responsible for the massacre” have shown up in China.
Fan Huchang said that they would go to the Chinese consulate
in San Francisco to commemorate the June 4 incident and hope more people will join them.
In the end, the student’s letter said that they hope the
CCP can learn from the advanced political system in the western world,
make a thorough change and continue serving Chinese people.
Wang Beiji said: “It’s impossible, because the CCP lost
its last chance to promote democracy 23 years ago.
In the following 23 years, it committed more crimes.
As an evil, autocratic, and cruel political system that opposes
humanity, the CCP should be completely eradicated.
Only in this way human society can have a chance
to recuperate.”
Wang Beiji pointed out that people shouldn’t hold
any illusion in mind about the CCP,
because China will never turn democratic
without the disintegration of CCP.