【禁闻】政法委瘦身 军不入常 为民主开路?













采访编辑/刘惠 后制/周天

CCP Politics and Law Committee Downsized:
Preparing for Democracy?

Shanghai, Chongqing and other places have produced
new provincial Standing Committee members.
Among which there are no positions
of “CCP Politics and Law Committee Secretary” nor “military Standing Committee”.
The outside world speculates that in the CCP 18th session,
there should not be these positions.
So, will the ideas of CCP future management change?
After the18th session, will China go toward democracy?
Analysts have pointed out that global democratic
movements are in full swing.
If China does not change, not only will the CCP and China
be over, but the lives of CCP leaders will have no guarantee.

The new leaders for Shanghai were recently announced.

Not only have Jiang Zemin’s confidants not entered
the CCP Standing Committee.
There are also no positions of CCP Politics and Law
Committee secretary.
There is also no military Standing Committee
like in other provinces.

Hu Jun, a representative of “Rights Movement”, said that
injustices committed by CCP Politics and Law Committee are causing the collapse of China.
At the same time, it makes the CCP feel a survival crisis.

Hu Jun: “The suppression to human rights activists,
especially towards Falun Gong, made the system of Politics and Law Committee keep growing.
Afterwards, it has a serious damage to China’s
legal system and law construction.
So with maintaining stability, it will certainly be a most
important malignant tumor, seeing the end of the CCP.
Now the CCP itself is also aware of this thing.
Civil resentment has been very large.
It can disintegrate the evil regime at any time.”

A month ago, a Beijing high-level person revealed
information to The Epoch Times News.
High-level CCP officials have reached
a consensus of four points.
This includes announcing the democratic way in CCP 18th
session and the nationalization of the military.

Liu Yinquan, former historian professor in Shangdong,
From the perspective of the current situation, if the CCP
Politics and Law Committee secretary and military leaders come down from the Standing Committee,
the control of the CCP has been loosened a little.

This makes a hole for democracy and the nationalization
of the military in the future.

Liu Yinquan: “After the departments with strong dictatorship
come down from the Standing Committee, the CCP will manage itself.
It will go to the idea that the administration will manage itself
and the administration of justice will also manage itself.
It will be more reasonable than the original with
the strengthening of the CCP departments.
It is a clear aspect to open a path
for future democratic reforms.”

The Politics and Law Committee secretary was only
a Politburo member in CCP history.
After Jiang Zemin came to power, the Politics and Law
Committee secretary climbed into the Politburo Standing Committee.
The Politics and Law Committee has become
a super authority above the law.

Liu Yinquan: “In other Western countries, they carry out
the separation of powers.
The power of the Supreme Court head should be large.

He or she should not be led by the CCP
Politics and Law Committee secretary.
Otherwise, the CCP Politics and Law Committee secretary
will override the President of the Court, and the Directorate of Public Prosecutions.
It is not easy for the courts to decide cases independently
and to carry out independent inspection.
Atfter the CCP 18th session, the Politics and Law Committee
secretary should be dropped back to a Politburo member.
In doing so, the Politics and Law Committee will only
play a coordinating role, rather than leadership.”

From the “Jasmine Revolution” in Middle East last year
to the success of democracy in Burma,
the tide of the global democracy movement is more and more active.
Hu Jun believes that the steps of CCP leaders are too small.

Hu Jun: “The crime of the CCP Politics and Law Committee
should be judged. The offenses of Zhou Yongkang should be announced.
Only if these crimes are all attached to Zhou Yongkang,
they (Hu and Wen) can be spared.
If only the power of Politics and Law Committee is lessened,
but the rule of CCP system still goes on, his fate will be just like Gaddafi.
If, in turn, you withdraw the power of Politics and Law
Committee, and carry out liquidation of it to move towards democracy,
and return the political power to the people,
you’re Gorbachev.
Then you will certainly have a very high position
in China’s future history.”

Wu Fan, editor of China Affairs magazine, said that since
there is no position of Standing Committee for the CCP Politics and Law Committee,
there should also be no position for
the CCP central government.
Wu Fan said that currently the CCP mouthpiece
has repeatedly stressed “the Party commands the gun."
The goal of the military not joining the local Standing
Committee is to avoid the growth of local warlords.
It prevents local leaders from collaborating with military.
