【禁闻】陈光诚抵美 美中媒体反映不一

【新唐人2012年5月21日讯】陈光诚抵美 美中媒体反映不一




日媒:陈光诚出国 并非改善人权




而《朝日新闻》的报导则直接指出,“陈光诚出国并非显示中国人权状况有改善 ”。


Media’s Response About Chen Guangcheng’s Arrival in the U.S.

Blind activist Chen Guangcheng arrived in the U.S. on
Saturday evening after weeks of Sino-U.S.’s diplomatic negotiation.
Many media and supporters waited in the airport.

Chinese people from New York welcomed Chen with
Banners saying:
“Guangcheng, Your are our pride,
New York Chinese friends welcome you.”

With Chen Guangcheng’s arrival to the U.S., the Sino-US
diplomatic dispute is temporarily settled.

People feel relieved after the U.S. media’s report about
Chen’s arrival.
However, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mouthpiece,
Media Xinhua News Agency published brief news claimed
that Chen has been approved to study in the US through a
standard channel, but it didn’t mention whether Chen had left China.

Japanese Media: Chen Guangcheng Went Abroad, Human Rights Not Improved

On May 20, many Japanese media headlines reported Chen’s
arrival in the U.S..
According to Japanese media analysis, the CCP’s purpose for
allowing Chen to go abroad is to resolve Chen’s case before June 4th.
In fact, it’s an attempt by the CCP to maintain so-called
“stability” rather than a move for improving human rights.

Japanese media, Yomiuri Shimbun, quoted the CCP’s internal
news that within 3 days, the Chinese regime approved Chen’s passport.
It’s related to the critical period of the CCP’s transfer of power
and is a manifestation of trying to maintain “stability” amidst Party infighting.
It’s said that the developments of Chen’s case were under
the direct orders of Hu Jintao.

The report said that the CCP intends to clear Chen’s case before
the 23rd commemorate date of June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Trying their best to avoid any instability factors before the
Reports said that according to democrats’ behaviors in the past
after they went to abroad,
the CCP believes Chen won’t make a strong influence in the future,
so this was a contributing factor to his release.

Japanese media Asahi Shimbun reported that Chen’s release
didn’t indicate an improvement for human rights in China.

Japanese NHK TV reported that on the issues of Chen’s
relatives’ situation in Shandong,
and whether the CCP will allow Chen to return to China,
these are still very uncertain matters.
