【禁闻】《人民日报》大谈政改 具体怎么改?

【新唐人2012年5月16日讯】中共党报《人民日报》,极其罕见的整版刊登文章谈“政改”。外界分析,在目前中共政治敏感时机谈“政改”,显示胡温在这个问题上已经达成共识,而在温家宝和周永康的对决当中,温家宝占了上风。但是,针对“政改”议题,具体改什么?怎么改? 以人民的利益为重,还是仍以中共的利益为重? 分析说,老百姓正等着看胡温做什么,而不是说什么。












采访撰稿/常春 后制/薛莉

How will Hu-Wen make “political reform”?

The state-run “People’s Daily” newspaper has published
a full-page article on “political reform”.
Analysts think it means that there is a Hu-Wen consensus
to discuss “political reform” at such a sensitive time.
Wen has also prevailed in a duel with Zhou Yongkang.

However, how will they make “political reform”?
Is it related to benefiting people or to benefit the CCP?
It is reported that Chinese people are waiting to see what
actions Hu and Wen take, rather than what they talk about.

On May 14, People’s Daily published an article by an author
named “Zheng Zhi Wen” in the fifth forum.
The article discussed six aspects of “political reform” in China.

Oriental Daily News in Hong Kong said it obviously has
a special meaning to discuss “political reform” with such a great length of article in “People’s Daily”.
Oriental Daily News thought this article raises a tone
for the coming 18th CCP National Congress.

Wen has called for “political reform” many times before,
but was met a cold shoulder and received a lot of criticism.

Zhang Tianliang, professor at George Mason University, US,

said that this is the first article which has discussed
“political reform” in depth since Hu and wen came to power.
It means Wen prevailed in the duel which Zhou Yongkang.

Zhang Tianliang: “In fact, People’s Daily is controlled
by the Central Propaganda Department.
The Central Propaganda Department is controlled
by Li Changchun.
Li and Zhou are in the same faction and they were sued
by Falun Gong practitioners before.
Therefore, I think the article in People’s Daily means
that Wen prevailed in the duel with Zhou Yongkang.”

On May 14, the Epoch Times also published an article
named “Wen defeated Zhou Yongkang”.
The article said Hu decided to investigate Zhou under
the “fair” but “not open” principle in a meeting.
All participants noticed that Hu and Wen dealt with
Zhou by the “stew a frog in slowly heated water” strategy.
In this very sensitive time, People’s Daily publishing
a full-page report on “political reform” echoes that Wen published a “political reform" article.
It means that there is a consensus between Hu and Wen
on this issue.

Wu Jianguo, an Internet commentator, asks how far can
political reform go in China?
A lot of things are rejected when it comes to CCP interests.

Wu Jianguo: “The June 4th event means a rejection of CCP
political reform in 1980s, and ever worse, people’s right
to participate in politics are deprived after that.

It results in the injustice in suppressing Falun Gong,
and other various crises in China.”

Wu Jianguo hopes that political reform by Wen will take
into account what benefit’s the people as much as possible,
rather than benefiting the CCP.
Then it will become real political reform.

Zhang Tianliang says the current discussion on political
reform is still within the range of what Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang talked about.
By that time, people had confidence in political reform.
However, everything is different now.
People would like to see what you are doing,
instead of what you are talking about.
Zhang Tianliang thought that public opinion
is now not relying on useless words.

Zhang Tianliang: “For example, they can revoke CCP
and establish a new party.
They should allow others to establish association freely.
All these will let them go down in the history.
We also hope that Zhou and the “bloody” group
will be punished.
In fact, if Zhou is removed from his duty, just like Bo Xilai,
then Hu and Wen can establish credibility within the CCP.
Because if they can deal with such a grizzly guy,
others are just like pieces of cake.”

Wu Jianguo said, the “bloody” group want to sustain tyranny
to prevent them from being revoked.
If Hu and Wen make political reforms and give people
the right to participate in politics and have freedom of speech,
then they can access public support and punish
the “bloody” group through legal means. It is a good trend, Wu said.
