【禁闻】“红二代”爆 自小被中共欺骗




5 月5号,李小林接受凤凰卫视《问答神州》的专访,她告诉记者,最早,她是通过朝鲜战争和越南战争来了解美国,以为美国人都长得“青面獠牙”,都是“美国大兵”。但是她在美国“加州大学洛杉矶分校”进修时,通过自己的所见所闻,完全改变了之前对美国的看法。


吴建国:“ 我小时候同李小林对美国的认识相似,不仅是那些战争故事把美国描述得很恐怖,而且中共还撒出弥天大谎,宣传说,美国向中国境内投放隐形炸弹,这些炸弹制成钢笔等用品扔在地上,一旦拣起来就会爆炸,要我们看到不要拣。对于美国援助中国的抗日战争,以及在反法西斯战争中发挥的重要作用,中共只字不提。”



李小林在专访中提到,东方的文化里边永远是leaders first ,就是领导总是走前面,但是西方呢,是lady first,女士走在前面,她说,这就说明两种文化是不一样的。


采访编辑/常春 后制/孙宁


Li Xiaolin: Deceived By Chinese Communism Since Childhood

Li Xiaolin, daughter of an elder of Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) member Li Xiannian.
On May 5, Li Xiaolin told media that, after she went to
the U.S., she noticed the U.S. was different from what CCP’s propaganda had said.
She had a thought, since childhood that the Americans
were very cruel.
After she came to the U.S. seeing with her own eyes,
her attitude completely changed.

Li Xiannian was a member of the Politburo, vice Chairman
and later was Chairman of the CCP.
After June 4, 1989 Tiananmen students movement,

Li Xiannian supported Jiang Zemin to take over CCP’s power,
arousing democrats’ criticism.

Li Xiannian’s daughter, Li Xiaolin, has the advantage
of her parental background under CCP’s dictatorship.
Being a second generation of the CCP, Li Xiaolin was
educated with CCP’s philosophy, naturally linking her fate with their country.

On May 5, Li Xiaolin was interviewed by Phoenix TV, she said,
she came to know America from Korean and Vietnam wars.
She thought the Americans look was of “green face and
ferocious fangs”, (likely from propaganda cartoons) and mostly all soldiers.
However, since she studied at Los Angeles school in
University of California, with her own experiences, she changed her attitude completely.

Writer Wu Jianguo believes that being a CCP’s second
generation, Li Xiaolin tells a fact which is difficult to hide.
The CCP relies on lies, distorted history and
turning right into wrong.

Wu Jianguo: “I had similar attitudes to Li Xiaolin’s when
I was a child,
not only Americans were described as terrorists in the war,
the CCP also spread lies and propaganda.
They said the U.S. dropped stealth bombs into China, which
resembled pens and other supplies dropped on the floor,
once you picked them up, they would explode.
We were told don’t pick things up.
How about the U.S. Support for China during Sino-Japan war,

and how the US played an important role in the anti-fascist war,
the CCP has never disclosed these aspects.”

Independent Commentator Hong Jian escaped
CCP’s persecution to the U.S..
He said that in mainland China, brainwashing started
from childhood,
they were told the typical U.S. was an imperialist who’d rather
dump bread into the sea without offering it to the poor.
Hong Jian also was influenced by CCP’s distorted history and
propaganda films, for example, the Battle of Triangle Hill.

Hong Jian: “Since I came to the U.S.,
I have some deep impressions.
First, I feel America is a free land, you can parade,
gather and have freedom of belief.
For example in a parade the police even prepare the way
for you, and take responsible for security;
Second, America can provide political asylum to those who
suffer human rights abuse in the world.
If your asylum is approved, you can apply for certain
benefits which deeply touched me.
I think the U.S government exhibit great tolerance and
are very broadminded.”

Li Xiaolin said in the interview that eastern culture always
puts leaders first, but in western culture it is lady first.
She said this indicated two different cultures.

Hong Jian said that the U.S. government puts people first,
everything is for the people’s interests, this is determined by U.S. system.
Because the U.S. power is separated, an individual party
or single man can’t make decision.
Hong Jian added that in the U.S., people are rich but not
their country, however in China it is vice-versa.
Chinese people are deceived by the CCP’s lies, in their mind
they hold hatred against the U.S., losing their sense and direction.
Li Xiaolin’s story is an example.
