












美国国务院副发言人马克•托纳(Mark Toner) 2号表示,美国会继续关注陈光诚的状况。美国国会在美国时间3号,就陈光诚事件最新的发展,举行紧急听证会。




(采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/孙宁)


US Officials: Chen Guangcheng Wants to Leave China

US officials said they confirmed that China’s blind activist Chen Guangcheng hopes to leave China with his family. On May 2, US State Department denied the reports that Chen was threatened to leave the US Embassy. Earlier, Chen guangcheng had left the Embassy to seek medical treatment in Beijing hospital.
At that time, Chen said he wanted to stay in China.

However, Chen changed his mind on May 3, telling the journalists that his family was threatened. And he does not believe that Beijing’s regime could keep
their promise to ensure the safety of his family and himself. Chen also voiced his worries that none of the US officials stayed in the hospital for his protection. Now he wants to flee to the US for a political asylum.

On May 3, US State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said US officials are discussing various options with Chen Guangcheng. Chen is currently hospitalized in Beijing under surveillance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

On May 2, Chen Guangcheng left the US Embassy to seek medical treatment in Beijing Chaoyang hospital. According to the agreement with the CCP authorities,
the regime will ensure Chen’s personal safety.

However, Bob Fu, president of China Aid Association, points out that Chen left the US Embassy with a heavy heart, feeling coerced.

Bob Fu: “The Chinese side told Chen Guancheng, through the US official, ‘If you don’t leave the US Embassy, your family will be sent back to your home in Linyin.’ ‘You won’t have any chance to reunite with them anymore.’ That is, his family actually has become a hostage.”

A lot of Chinese pro-democracy and human rights activists thought it was extremely irresponsible of the Obama Administration to have let Chen leave the Embassy.

Earlier, US-based China Aid Association that had assisted Chen’s escape, said Chen does not want to leave China. Chen wanted to stay in China to complete his work.

Why did Chen Guangcheng change his mind later on? Beijing-based human rights lawyer Teng Biao released transcripts of several phone calls made between him and Chen on May 2. The conversations show that Chen began to doubt CCP’s promise to ensure his family will live a normal life. Over the phone, Teng Biao warned Chen Guangcheng about CCP’s retaliation.

On May 3, Chen Guangcheng told CNN journalist, “The Embassy kept lobbying me to leave and promised to have people stay with me in the hospital.” “But this afternoon as soon as I checked into the hospital room, I noticed they were all gone.”

Bob Fu: “This requires a new round of Sino-US negotiation. Now he is surely under very tight control of the Chinese. They won’t let him out of the security guards’ sight again.”

Bob Fu notes that many Americans are concerned about Chen and his family, and hope they will come to the US.

Bob Fu: “Many US MPs called me. Over the last few days, I received about several thousand phone calls. Besides the media, enormous emails were sent to us
to express their support for Chen. I believe that everyone was touched by his deeds.

The US government has certainly made a big mistake in handling Chen’s case. They had some thoughts of certain aspects. But we still hope for pushing the US side to hold another negotiation with China as soon as possible."

US State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner stated on May 2, US will continue monitoring Chen’s situation. On May 3, the US Congress held an emergency hearing on the latest development of Chen Guangcheng’ case.

However, the CCP Foreign Ministry Spokesman said: “The US Embassy in China took Chen Guangcheng, a Chinese citizen, into the Embassy via abnormal means.” “The US move is an interference in China’s internal affairs, which is completely unacceptable for China.” “China demands the US apologize for that, … and promise not to let similar incidents happen again.”

The US State Department responded that the US decision was not only legitimate, but also in line with US values.

On May 3, US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton pressed China on human rights in her opening remarks to the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Beijing.
Yet Clinton did not mention Chen Guangcheng.
