【禁闻】中央赴港查薄家产 顺藤摸瓜查周江?














采访/梁欣 编辑/李静 后制/孙宁


CCP’s Probe Into Bo Familiies Assests in Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s media have uncovered that Bo Xilai’s family
own huge assets in Hong Kong.
Bo Xilai, elder brother Bo Xiyong, served as vice-chairman
of a listed company in Hong Kong, using an alias name.
Gu Wangjiang, elder sister of Bo’s wife Gu Kailai, operates
Hong Kong Hotoro Holdings Ltd.
Gu Wangjiang is also involved in over 20 joint ventures
and wholly-funded firms in China.
Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
was reported to have probed into Hong Kong business,
with the Bo family assets allegedly being the target.

Analysts say the CCP’s high-profile probe into Bo Xilai also
aims at exposing problems of Yongkang and Jiang’s clique.

The Voice of America cited a front-page news report dated
April 23, in the English-language South China Morning Post.
At least two different sources revealed that the CCP’s
Central working group is investigating in Hong Kong.
Reportedly, the enormous assets owned by Bo and Gu’s
families are the subject of the probe.
Investigators will also identify the source of the property and
the channel of the capital transfer from China to overseas.

Last week, Hong Kong’s Asia Weekly also reported
on the CCP’s investigations in Hong Kong.

Sources say Bo Xicheng, Bo Xilai’s younger brother, sent
text messages to his friends in political circles in early April.
The texts said that Bo Xilai’s case “has been finalized”.

So everyone was asked to take care of themselves
and to not put any more effort into the case.

The CCP has not released a final result over Bo Xilai’s case,
but all signs show that the official judgment has been made.
Why do the CCP central authorities still tout in high profile,
their probe into the Bo family assets in Hong Kong?

Zhang Tianliang, visiting professor at George Mason Univ.,
says it’s a skill of Hu and Wen to keep the news focused.

Zhang Tianliang: “Such news has kept being released,
helping to get public attention focused on Bo Xilai.
Meanwhile, the public will also focus on Zhou Yongkang.

The asset probe in Hong Kong is not only limited to Bo Xilai,
but may also be associated with Zhou Yongkang."

April 21—Japan’s Asahi Shimbun reported, the CCP’s probe
found Bo Xilai and his wife to have transferred US $6-billion
of illicit revenue to overseas—estimating the fraud as being
the biggest corruption case over the CCP’s entire history.

Zhang Tianliang analyzes that such a huge amount of fund
could not only involve Bo Xilai.
It is not just an issue of money laundering—a large group of
people may also be implicated in the case.

Zhang Tianliang: “If conducting a thorough probe, I believe,
Bo must have lots of economic ties with Zhou Yongkang.
Will Bo’s other supporters within this clan, like Jia Qinglin or
Li Changchun also be found guilty of economic misconduct?
Let’s wait and see what the CCP’s further probing will find."

Since Bo’s case was filed for investigation, foreign media
have kept exposing Zhou Yongkang’s corruption scandals.
Jiang Yuan reveals that, the 13 years Zhou Yongkang was
in charge of China’s petroleum, was the most corrupt period of the China National Petroleum Corp.
In 1998, Zhou was made Minister of Land and Resources.

Zhou abused his power to sell land, engaging in real estate
development to pay bribes to the CCP’s top leadership.
Zhou got his wish the following year in 1999,
being appointed as Party secretary of Sichuan Province.

Mingjingnews.com quoted sources from Sichuan and the
China National Petroleum Corp.—Zhou Yongkang’s son,
Zhou Bin, had built a personal wealth of 20 billion RMB,
and Bo Xilai had assisted in contributing to a large part of it.

Zhang Tianliang thinks Hu Jintao’s prudence curbs him from
taking action whenever there isn’t a 100% chance of winning.
The current situation shows Hu definitely taking down Zhou.

Zhang Tianliang says current investigations into the Bo
family assets is very likely a part of Hu Jintao’s plan.
Zhang analyzes that Hu intended to further pull up
Zhou Yongkang and Jiang’s clique.
