【禁闻】王乐泉高调站队 周永康势力日衰














采访/刘惠 编辑/李谦 后制/周天

Zhou Yongkang Flags, Wang Lequan Openly Supports Hu Jintao

“The 2nd power center" of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) has emerged into public view as the crisis caused by the Wang Lijun incident develops.
“The 2nd power center" refers to the CCP’s Central
Political and Law Committee (CPLC), with Zhou Yongkang as its Secretary.
Zhou’s trend for the near future has attracted more attention.
Zhou’s assistant, CPLC’s deputy secretary, Wang Lequan,
recently demanded that nationwide CPLC secretaries
align themselves with Hu Jintao.
Outside commentators interpret Wang’s talk in which
he said that “an internal division has arisen inside the Political and Law Committee."
Wang’s high-profile supporting of Hu Jintao is thought to be
motivated by self-preservation, coinciding with Zhou Yongkang’s loss of power.

The CCP official media has reported on Wang Lequan’s talk
on completion of the first training session for CPLC secretaries.
On March 31, the CPLC deputy secretary Wang Lequan stressed:

“The political and law organs at all levels should be unswervingly
faithful to the Party’s absolute leadership….
on the issue of principle, make sure that you consistently
cooperate with the Central Committee headed by General Secretary Comrade Hu Jintao."

A few days ago on the same training course’s
opening ceremony, Zhou Yongkang stated that
the Politics and Law Committee should “remain faithful to
the Party Central Committee".

Outside voices commented that Zhou had only mentioned
“the Party Central Committee", without adding:
“headed by General Secretary Comrade Hu Jintao."

Dr. Zhang Tianliang, visiting professor at George Mason Univ.,
sees Zhou Yongkang’s “claim " as a slip-through tactic.
Yet Wang Lequan’s talk has clearly shown his loyalty in his
pledge to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, says Dr. Zhang.

Zhang Tianliang says: “This is a clear sign that
an internal split has occurred in the administration of the Political and Law Committee.
In other words, inside the faction of Zhou Yongkang,
his assistant Wang Lequan, is now seen to be leaning towards Hu and Wen.
Therefore a split in the Zhou faction is very likely
to be confirmed.”

Prior to this, the inside stories about the CCP’s former leader
Jiang Zemin’s clique has continued to be reported on by the media.
Jiang’s clique has long used its ruling power to persecute
the Chinese people by controlling and expanding the Politics and Law Committee system.
Lawsuits have been filed overseas against Jiang Zemin,
Luo Gan, former CPLC secretary, Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, among others.
These individuals have been charged with
“crimes against humanity and genocide”
largely for their part in the brutal persecution of
Falun Gong practitioners in China.
For these reasons, Jiang’s clique has been labeled
“the blood-debt clan".

Zhang Tianliang continues: “They (members of the blood-debt clan) know they won’t
be able to flee the final punishment if the CCP collapses.
So they are likely to stand together.
While the other group of people, for their own self-protection,
may divert their allegiance from Jiang to Hu-Wen.
This might be one important reason that explains why
Wang Lequan and other military heads have stated
their positions and pledged their allegiance to Hu Jintao.”

Aside from the issue of a “rebellion” plotted between
Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai, or of the blood-debt clan’s split,
the ongoing conflict between Hu-Wen and Zhou Yongkang
is irreconcilable, Zhang Tianliang comments.
Hu-Wen should now wake up to the inevitable signs of the
CCP’s demise, and should now proactively abandon and punish the blood-debt clan.
Only by doing this can Hu-Wen be sure of future success
after the CCP’s downfall, according to Zhang Tianliang.
However, if Hu-Wen reach a compromise with the
blood-debt clan, the one party will be very likely to be weighted down by the other,
In that case, Hu-Wen shall face the same demise
as that faced by the blood-debt clan.

On March 19, China’s internet rumored that in Beijing
a coup was taking place.
Li Delin, chief editor assistant of Beijing Securities Market
Weekly, described in his Weibo-posting:
“a forest of military vehicles” gathered in the capital.
Li was taken away by the police on March 23.
Official sources have said that, a total of six people have been
arrested for “spreading disinformation" on this matter.

Tang Baiqiao, president of the Democracy Academy of China
in New York, says that all of these indications show that
regardless of how the CCP’s infighting intensifies, it’s main
aim is still only to maintain the one-party dictatorship.
The regime will surely continue to suppress the people.

Tang warns the Chinese people not to be fooled by
the CCP’s promises of political reform.

Tang Baiqiao says: “Any one inside the CCP system
should have the courage to stand up openly and say that the system is wrong.
The rules of the game and the system itself should
be replaced.
As long as such rules of the game exist, the people won’t
have stability in life or in society. Nor will there be true freedom or peace."

Tang Baiqiao stressed that only by further exposing the
CCP’s evil to the point where all the people awaken, and
quit the CCP, can a new system that is beneficial for all
be established in China.
