




封从德:“一方面,它首先讲国际主义,讲无神论,这个是和中国的传统文化格格不入的,甚至是严重冲突的。所以,初期毛泽东时代的时候,文革,是要把这些当作四旧,全部要砸烂的。 但是现在中共,要把孔子像给竖到天安门广场,全世界又办了那么多孔子学院。这就是像刚才讲的,毛左和邓右的区别。毛泽东时代是破坏传统的,邓小平时代要利用传统。但是他们根本并不是继承传统,更不是要发扬传统。他是搞一个假的一个假象。你比如说孔子学院,如果孔子穿越空间,走到一家孔子学院,他马上要气死,又回到两千年前。为什么,因为他一个字都不会认识的。因为里边全是简体字么。孔子学院为什么不教中国两千年​​来一直用的这个正体字呢?”


封从德:“我觉得它会产生一定的松动,但是希望谈不上,因为扯着自己的头发永远也到不了月球。土匪它的特质不可能自己把自己改变成不是土匪。它只是要把另外一帮内部的火并,另外一群威胁它权力的另外一群土匪给干掉。他还是土匪。 ”





采访编辑/易闻 摄影剪辑/徐瑞

Interview with Feng Congde Regarding Recent Chinese Communist Political Changes

Conflict amongst high ranking Chinese communists has
surfaced since the Wang Lijun incident on February 6th.
Consequently, a series of changes in the CCP hierarchy
has occurred, such as Bo Xilai being sacked.
A student leader of the 1989 Tiananmen movement, Dr. Feng
Congde, talks about the recent Chinese Communist political changes,
and calls on people to abandon any illusion of the
CCP and walk the path to democracy on their own.
The following is our exclusive interview with Feng Congde
in San Francisco.

Recently, information related to Mr. Li Hongzhi and Zhuan
Falun which CCP banned, could be viewed again on a Chinese web site.

Feng Congde: “I have been watching, and a lot of banned
information has been made available recently.
Shen Yun Performing Arts, for example, is suddenly
searchable on Baidu, even the ticket center is available.
The internet traffic volume has also doubled and
even tripled according to my 64memo.com website.
I feel the infighting amongst high ranking communist
officials represents a shift in the CCP leadership.
With the chaos came a gap wherein while people are now in
the state of strike or unrest, the ban has gone to the wayside.
In this case, the internet police within the CCP system
suddenly open the window just like the TV interception.
I believe situations like this will take place more often.

As the CCP is losing its control, the internet firewall
will be torn down like the Berlin Wall.
Because there’s a conscience in people, people always seek
the truth. No one likes to be deceived."

Feng Congde believes the Communist atheism is alien to
traditional Chinese culture.

Feng Congde: “On the one hand, it (Communism) first talks
about internationalism and atheism which are incompatible with, and even seriously violates, China’s traditional culture.
Therefore, there was Cultural Revolution early on in the Mao
Zedong era, to smash what they called the four olds.
But now the CCP is planning to set a Confucius statue in
Tiananmen Square and Confucius Institutes around the world.
This is what’s called the “left Mao, and right Deng.”

Mao era undermined traditions and the Deng Xiaoping era
exploited the tradition.
It’s not about inheriting the tradition or carrying forward the
tradition. The CPC engages in creating a false illusion.
Take the Confucius Institute as an example, if Confucius,
through another dimension, went to a Confucius Institute,
he’d bound to be angry and return it back to (the way
things were) two thousand years ago. Why?
Because he would not recognize a word.
There is only simplified Chinese available.
Why wouldn’t a Confucius Institute use traditional Chinese
characters that have been used for the past two thousand years?"

Will Hu and Wen and the Chinese Communist system reform
bring hope to China?

Feng Congde: “I think it will come loose, but not as far
as the Chinese hope.
No one will go to the moon by pulling himself.
Bandits will never correct themselves.
After it eliminates the threat of internal fights,
the nature of a bandit still remains."

He discourages any illusions about political reform
within the CCP regime.

Feng Congde: “This is a dark system that has to be completely
eliminated. Do not place hope in the Communist Party reform.
I still remember many years ago when Hu and Wen came
to power, everyone bragged, including many US scholars,
when looking to the new policies of both Hu and Wen.

They are now in the end of their term, was there ever
any new policy?
Now everyone is once again placing hope to Xi Jinping
for some new policy; I think it’s just a dream.
A centralized authoritarian structure is to allow anyone in
that position to casually undermine the interests of others."

Feng Congde believes Wen Jiabao should learn the lessons of
his predecessors.

Feng Congde: “With the dictatorship route, the Communist
Chinese are going to be like either Qaddafi or Ceausescu.
Among them, the other extreme, such as Wen Jiabao,
pretends he wants democracy and calls for it everyday.
If he plays the real thing, he’d be like Chiang Ching-kuo,
the best example, or Gorbachev, the next best.
Chiang Ching-kuo, regardless of his political stance,
is still missed by the people of Taiwan.
He was believed to have greatly contributed to Taiwan.

Gorbachev is also enjoying public prestige and
an international reputation."
