【禁闻】重庆卫视改版 薄熙来模式破产








马晓明指出,重庆“红色频道 ”实质上是“文革”遗风。







采访编辑/李韵 后制/柏妮

Chongqing TV to drop “Red" Channel

After Bo Xilai was removed from office, the so called
‘Chongqing Model’-’Sing Red and Strike Black’ was immediately blocked.
Chongqing TV, which is widely regarded as the outreach
base of the ‘Chongqing Model’, returned to prime-time broadcast TV series on March 26.

The special program " Red Song Everyday" has returned
to broadcast once a week.
Chongqing TV also plans to make a total revision in April 2.
Analysts point out these changes indicate that the
“Chongqing Model" is in total bankruptcy,
and everything of Bo Xilai did will be
completely subverted and liquidated.

“Responsible person" of Chongqing Broadcasting Group
commented on March 25.
Chongqing TV will broadcast a TV series in prime-time
evening from March 26.
The special program " Red Song Everyday" will be broadcast
once a week, with a new name ‘Red Song Weekend’.

Sun Wenguang, retired Professor of Shandong University
Chongqing TV broadcasted ‘Red Song Everyday’ once
a week without cancelling it. It shows they are observing the speculation.

Sun Wenguang: “The changes of Chongqing TV
are in relation to Bo. It changed the broadcasting guidedance after Bo lost power.
Although there are few red songs now, it is still observing
Bo’situation for the next action.

According to several employees of Chongqing TV, the station
will be revised totally on April 2.
It will create new entertainment and financial programs.

Ma Xiaoming, former Shaanxi TV reporter commented:

“It shows that what Bo did in Chongqing is being corrected
after he was removed from office.
In fact, what he did is just for promoting himself, and that’s
why he started the ‘Sing Red and Strike Black’ movement.

Chongqing TV was forbidden from broadcasting TV series
and comercial advertisements on prime-time since March 1 2009.
It only broadcasted programs like ‘sing, read, talk
and transfer (red).’
It also created special programs including
‘Red Song Everyday’ and ‘Family stories’.

Ma Xiaoming highlighted that ‘red channels’ in Chongqing
are the legacy of the “Cultural Revolution".

Ma Xiaoming “For his own benefit, Bo wanted to highlight
his political track record. But let’s think about the ‘Sing Red’.
It includes all so called revolution songs of CCP.

All the songs are part of CCP obscurantism policy,
they are just a kind of brain-washing.
The “Sing Red” movement is a kind of social regression.”

A survey of “Northern Media Studies" showed Chongqing TV
fell into 34 from 9 in the national ratings ranking.
This was after the program revisons in 2009.
It ranked 22 in provincial TV rating ranking.

After Bo was removed from office on March 15,
Chongqing TV broadcasted it’s first wine advertisement
on the night after the comercial advertisement ban
more than one year ago.
A green sign was erected on the same day to prohibit red
songs in Chongqing People’s Auditorium Plaza. This is where people sang red songs before.
If anyone insisted singing red or playing a “Support Bo"
slogan, they would be taken away by policemen.
Besides, the red song weekend gathering in Beijing
Jingshan Park was banned on March 18th. This had previously taken place for many years.

Ma Xiaoming pointed, it indicates that the
‘Chongqing Model’ is in total bankruptcy.

Prior to this, several sources suggested Bo and his wife,
Gu Kailai had accumulated 8 Billion RMB before going to Chongqing.
Bo started the ‘Sing Red and Strike Black’ movement
and ordered his thugs to strike Wang Lijun.
He labelled bosses as triads in the name of “common
prosperity", then he used the so-called “triad-related" wealth to get higher CCP positions.
Most of the wealth has been transferred overseas.

Sun Wenguang pointed out that Bo committed
numerous atrocities.
After investigation, everything he did will be completely
subverted and liquidated.
