荆楚:“这个网络过滤,敏感词设置,就像被人掐了脖子,很多话都不能说,这是中国特色,通常搞这一个细化中国人思想的文化方式。 网民就用这种方式躲避过滤,你像胡锦涛,有的网友就把他说成‘胡紧套’,这样就可躲过网络过滤了。”
采访编辑/李韵 后制/孙宁
Chinese Netizens Use Code Words to Discuss CCP Insider Struggles
The rumor mill is that the removal of Bo Xilai from his post
has led to a coup in Beijing.
Since the authority tightened control over freedom of speech,
especially on the Internet, it has become very hard to confirm the truth.
Under such conditions, Chinese netizens have implemented
various code words to talk about the CCP entanglement.
One unconfirmed story from some sources goes that
Zhou Yongkang, who was deprived of power by Hu and Wen, (President and Premier) failed in the coup.
Starting on the evening of March 19th, messages with the
phrases ‘“Tomato” was detained for interrogation,”
“Forbidden City gunshots,” “Airports are closed,” and
“Chang’an Avenue martial law” appeared on Chinese microblog websites.
On the morning of March 20th, it was even said that
troops had entered Beijing.
Rumors point to the Hu and Wen (the current President
and his Premier) faction, along with the Jiang (former
President), faction, arresting each other’s group members,
plus turbulence at Zhongnanhai (CCP central headquarters).
Sudden political changes caused a gathering of clouds
over Beijing.
On the evening of the same day, many netizens stayed online
through the night waiting for updates about the situation.
They found many posts to be deleted during that time and
words such as “Chang’An Avenue” and “gunshots” became censored.
Reacting to such changes, netizens began to use code words
and phrases in their posts, such as
“in the 18th tugging war contest” (18th National Congress),
the “carrot ball” (Hu Jintao) led his team members “antenna baby” (Wen Jiabao),
“learning machine” (Xi Jinping), and “wood seed” (Li Keqiang)
to win against their rivals “Master Kong beef noodle” (Zhou Yongkang),
who severely lost the game without support
from “Tomato” (Bo Xilai).
The rumors didn’t stop there.
Another online post titled “’Antenna baby fights against
Master Kang” became popular starting on the night of Mar 20th.
Another post told a similar story of “Hu Yidao” (Hu Jintao)
and “Jiang Xiaoyu” (Jiang Zemin) joining the fight, and
due to the loss of their key member “Tomato” (Bo Xilai),
the “Master Kang noodles” (Zhou Yongkang’s group) were finally defeated and driven off of the shelf (lost power).
On March 21st, a more complete online report regarding
the CCP insider struggles was written in code words.
According to a senior political analyst in Beijing,
some contents in this report are quite reliable.
After translation, this “code word story” said that
Zhou Yongkang was angry about Hu and Wen’s detainment
and interrogation of Bo Xilai, so consequently started
an internal conflict.
With most princelings choosing to support Hu-Wen and
Xi Jinping, the Zhou-Jiang faction was dealt a crushing defeat.
Internet writer Jing Chu pointed out that the truth of Bo Xilai’s
dismissal being blocked by the authority has aroused the Chinese people’s inquiring minds.
They attempt to collect information by all means,
nevertheless suffer intensified censorship.
Under such suppression, they began to create code words
to jokingly refer to the CCP leaders.
(Jing Chu): ”The censorship of “sensitive words” on the web
makes you feel like (you’re) being stretched from the neck and unable to say a lot of things.
This characteristic of the CCP aims at regulating the opinions
of Chinese people in a cultural form.
In response, the Chinese netizens create code words
to bypass the filter.
For example, some netizens refer to Hu Jintao as “Hu tightening
cover,” which has a similar pronunciation in Chinese so it may survive the Internet censorship.
Internet writer Zan Aizong remarked that it has been more
than one decade since Chinese netizens began to use code words against censorship.
The authority continuously adds new words to the filter list,
and netizens are continuously creating new code words as well.
They also invented mars letters and use column writing
to get the same results.
(Zan Aizong): ”Such a phenomenon proves that China
is not truly open.
The openness is not for economy only, but also
in politics and speech.
Only with such freedom can constructive suggestions
be accepted, can the critics’ remarks be presented, and can the whole society function normally.”
Zan Aizong further remarked that currently China is still far
from a modernized management.
With the truth being blocked, speculation happens often,
which is also one driving force of using sarcastic code words to communicate about the CCP leaders.
On the other hand, such alternative words are destroying
the Chinese language.
Zan believes that once the censorship is upset, Chinese people
will finally recover their tradition of language and culture.