【禁闻】薄熙来免职一周无说法 网传北京风雨满楼

【新唐人2012年3月22日讯】薄熙来被免去重庆市委书记职务已经整整一周,事情如何结局,中共官方一直没有给出说法。而与此同时,各种网路传闻甚嚣尘上,大陆多个名人最近在网上帖文,宣称因为薄熙来失势下台的影响,北京似是风雨满楼,有人说听到枪声,有人惊呼“中南海政变”。新浪、腾讯等微博从19号深夜疯传北京种种异常的消息,地产企业SOHO的董事长潘石屹说 “今晚微博诡异,含有某些词的微博发不了”;北京《证券市场周刊》编委李德林声称,中南海四周“军车如林,每个路口都多名便衣”,北京诗人魏克表示“今晚气氛诡异,帝都传闻四起,似将风雨满楼”。




Bo Xilai was dismissed, rumours said coup in Beijing

Bo Xilai was removed from Chongqing Secretary of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for nearly one week.
The CCP made no comment on what is the final decision
towards Bo. Meanwhile, rumours have been spread over the internet.
Recently, Chinese celebrities’ posts on internet said that,
since Bo’s downfall, Beijing’s atmosphere has been tense.
Some people said that they heard gunfire; some exclaimed
that the coup took place in Zhongnanhai (CCP’s central office).
Tenscent, Sina and other microblogs reported the news
about Beijing’s abnormal atmosphere, since the evening of March 19.
Pan Shiyi, Chairman of SOHO Real Estate said that
microblogs seemed strange that night, some words were censored.
Li Delin, an editorial board of Securities Market Weekly
magazine said, “military vehicles and plain-clothes police are seen on each street around Zhongnanhai."
Beijing poet Wei Ke said, “The atmosphere is strange
tonight, messages are being spread everywhere in Beijing, likes a storm on its way."
Apple Daily newspaper quoted an operation director at
Guangzhou Xinan Sports Development Company’s internal news.
It said that the CCP had a fierce disagreement on how to
handle Bo: “Wen Jiabao are opposed Zhou Yongkang, neither wants to surrender.
High-level factions’involvement in this
are enormous and unprecedented."

On the morning of March 21 China’s biggest search engine,
Baidu, which was strictly monitored by the CCP, suddenly uncensored the term “Zhuan Falun".
At that time, the top search result was a Falun Gong
website, and information can be viewed from this link.
You also can view photos of founder Mr Li Hongzhi,
Falun symbol and Zhuan Falun book.
In addition, all of Mr. Li Hongzhi’s lectures, as well as
photos of Falun Gong practitioners around the world
practicing the peaceful exercises are viewable
on the website.
However, at 12pm, information about Zhuan Falun
was censored again.
Commentators believe that high-level CCP officials
have entered a period of constant infighting since Wang Lijun’s incident.
Lifting of ban indicated the CCP escalates the conflict
on whether continue to persecute Falun Gong.

The Financial Times’report on March 20 said that
sources revealed, in recent years,
Wen Jiabao raised the issue to “re-evaluate the
June 4, 1989 students’ movement” three times in high-level secret meetings.
However, each time he was rejected by other officials,
Bo Xilai was one of them.
Bo Xilai’s father, Bo Yibo, who was one of the
Eight Elders of CCP in 1980s.
Bo’s father put pressure on Deng Xiaoping to take a hard line and
sending troops to suppress the students movement.

Recently, the CCP has implemented a lawyer oath system,
requesting lawyer must swear on loyalty to the country and the CCP.
This has roused the criticism of the legal community.
They criticised the CCP for putting itself above the law.
Human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang said that oath system
mixed in the CCP’s self interests and sounds funny.
