【禁闻】薄自说自话 官媒封杀 中央不认可?



庄道鹤:“ 这个事情也是挺令人吃惊的。作为一个政治局委员,他讲的话和回答记者的提问,居然没有在主要的媒体上曝光,他的发言不被最高层认可,认为这是他单方面为自己表白。只能得出这个结论。”







采访编辑/秦雪 后制/萧宇


CCP Media Silent over Bo Xilai’s Replies to Reporters

Bo Xilai responded publicly to the Wang Lijun Incident for
the first time at a press conference on March 9.
Bo, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Secretary of
Chongqing, alleged that Wang ran-off “very unexpectedly”.
He said that he viewed his mistake as an oversight in
promoting Wang for the anti-vice campaign.
However, China’s major media remained silent,
making no comment on Bo’s explanation.
Analysts say that this shows denial on the part of
CCP central authorities’ in the face of Bo’s self-confession.
To secure the upcoming power transition,
the CCP leadership still hesitates in deciding
how to handle Bo and Wang’s incident,
according to a review of the situation by observers.

Bo Xilai’s first time talk about the Wang Lijun Incident has
attracted a great deal of attention and
attempts at interpretation from media in China and abroad.
In contrast, the CCP official media did not report on the news.
Zhuang Daohe, one of the founders of the Law and Economics
Institute at Zhejiang University analyzes the issue.
“This indicates that Bo has not yet made a “safe landing"
even though he has beat around the bush to steer clear of fully explaining the incident, says Zhuang.
Zhuang Daohe says: “This is really surprising.
He is a Politburo member.
It’s incredible that the major media hasn’t reported
his actual words and replies to reporters.
The (CCP) top leadership might not agree with his remarks,
or perhaps they wanted to view it as his unilateral expression, I think."

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported on March 7,

that a source close to the CCP leadership has said that Wang
had been labeled a “traitor to the Party and the country".
Hu Jintao told the senior Political Consultative members that
Wang was a traitor, during the period of the two sessions.
Meanwhile, Chongqing officials at certain levels were informed
that Wang had betrayed the country.

The Apple Daily’s review pointed out that the nature of
the Wang incident is not as insignificant as the impression given by Bo in his answers to reporters.
This was a senior CCP official casting a vote of no confidence
in the regime, and a direct shadow over the CCP’s international image.
The review doubted very much that Wang’s fleeing to
the US consulate is really trivial to the CCP.
The regime has always deeply hated occurrences of
defection to a foreign power.
And will Bo Xilai’s liability be limited to his mistake in
Wang’s promotion? Is the article’s question.

Former chief editor of Baixing magazine, Huang Liangtian,
views China’s media as a propaganda unit of the CCP.
“Media silence" reflects the CCP’s ambiguous attitude
towards Bo Xilai.
Outside among the public it is hard to predict the likely
outcome of the CCP’s black-box political infighting, says Huang.
Currently, the biggest concern for the CCP is to
secure a smooth power transition.
Huang analyzes that how Bo’s case is handled will
depend on developments within the CCP’s own internal communications and negotiations.

Huang Liangtian: “The (CCP) Central Committee now touts
the importance of stability as overriding every other consideration.
What does ‘every other consideration’ refer to?
It covers the Constitution and Party discipline.
So all they’ve done is to assure and secure a very smooth power transition.
Don’t expect them to turn China into a country under the rule of law."

Boxun.com has quoted an analysis from a source close to
the CCP’s top leaders.
Many reasons have influenced the CCP in deciding on a
serious and careful way to handle the Bo Xilai crisis.
Bo’s case won’t be uneventful, the source has promised.
The reasons for this prediction include:
Bo’s vast and notorious corruption, the facts of which are
known even to the U.S. government;
Bo’s set-up of an “independent kingdom" in Chongqing,
which was clearly a show of open contempt towards the CCP’s central authorities;
Bo’s ambitious ploy to grab the CCP’s top leader position;

and Bo’s unauthorized use of armed force to besiege
the US consulate, amounting to a military coup.

According to the Apple Daily’s review, Hu Jintao has long
been discontent over Bo Xilai.
The Wang Lijun incident allows Hu to move against Bo.

A similar move was used by Jiang Zemin when he toppled
Chen Xitong, then the CCP Secretary of Beijing.
Jiang caused the suicide of Chen’s assistant, Wang Baosen,
who was at the time Vice Mayor of Beijing.
The death of Wang Baosen left an excuse that allowed
Jiang Zemin to move against Chen Xitong.
Thus, if Hu Jintao wants Bo removed, the Wang Lijun incident
would be an good excuse for an investigation into Bo Xilai.
