【禁闻】刑诉法73条 黑社会要合法化?

【新唐人2012年3月14日讯】中国《刑事诉讼法》修正案星期三在全国人大会议表决。由于其中的拘留条款可能导致“秘密拘押”和“秘密失踪”合法化,律师及学者们呼吁阻止通过,并在网上投票,92% 以上投票者选择“暂缓表决”。律师及学者们表示,这种表决行为不但标志着中共末日来临,同时也显示中共公开向人类普世价值宣战,妄图亵渎法律的尊严。









法轮功学员刘女士在《我被绑架的经历》一文中写道,我和小妹去交电话费,刚走到路旁,4个彪形大汉,把我和小妹抓住,塞进两辆疾驶过来的没有牌照的车里,把我按在车座下,用棉袄蒙住,这时我才明白我被绑架了… 我的家人四处找我,却活不见人,死不见尸。







New Law May Legalize Mafia-Esque Behaviours

On March 14th, National People’s Congress (NPC)
will vote on the Criminal Procedure Law Amendment.
Some lawyers and scholars worry those certain articles
of the amendment may result in legalized secret detentions and secret abductions.
Since an online poll was launched, 92% of people
want the vote postponed.
Experts say the online votes suggest that the CCP
Is at a dead end,
and what CCP is doing openly challenges
universal values, and tramples on the law.

On the afternoon of March 11th, investor Xue Manzi
launched an online poll entitled,
“should Article 73 Amendment during the
Two Sessions (high level internal meetings) be voted on?”
Within a few hours, over 10,000 people voted and
over 92% of voters chose the “postpone” option.
However, this page was soon deleted by the
internet police.

On Sunday evening, Shanghai lawyer Sun Jian also
launched an online poll, and 92.8% people voted “postpone.”

Article 73 in the Amendment states that for suspects
who allegedly threaten state security, are involved in terrorist crime or serious corruption,
police would be able to detain them and place them under
surveillance without notifying their families.

Zhu Xinxin, a former editor of Hebei People’s Radio, said the
Amendment is not only going against Chinese people’s interest,
it also challenges universal values and
the fairness and justice of the law.
It’s a manifestation of CCP’s attempts to legalize
the law of the jungle.

Zhu Xinxin, “To legalize forced abduction indicates CCP’s crisis
has risen to an unprecedented level. They feel more and more pressure now.
It also shows CCP’s mafia-like nature.
This kind of law does not reflect the value of justice.”

Human rights lawyer Tang Jitian said that the CCP’s
“forced disappearance” has always been utilized,
from Liu Shaoqi (former Chairman) to Wang Lijun’s incident.
Now the CCP is attempting to legalize and publicize their mafia-esque behaviours.

Tang Jitian, “The practice already exists. Now the CCP intents
to legalize it and make it acceptable to the civilized world.
The law will bring more uncertainty to the rights of the public.
It offers legal ground for the frequent human rights violators.”

CCP frequently uses covert abductions as a means to
Persecute Falun Gong adherents and other dissidents.
Famous Chinese Lawyer Gao Zhisheng was kidnapped
5 years ago and has been missing since.

Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu wrote in, My Experience of
Being Kidnapped, “My sister and I went to pay the phone bill.
On the way, we were abducted by four men
and pushed into two unmarked cars with no plates.
I was pressed under the seats and covered with a quilt.
My family searched everywhere, but couldn’t locate our whereabouts.

Lawyer Chen Youxi said that Zhang Minyu, a Representative of
National People’s Congress, went missing for three days and
his family’s requests for his location were denied. This is an
example of the new Article 73 already under implementation.
Lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan stated that the articles regarding
obstruction of criminal investigation are vague and could easily be abused, so they should be deleted.

Liu Xiaoyuan, “Article 73 shall be deleted, and their
families should be notified of any criminal arrest.
If one of my family members was arrested, we have
the right to know for what reason and their whereabouts.”

Former Journalist with China Ocean, Zan Aizhong, Told NTD
that in China, the law is serving the ruling party,
even the Representatives of National Congress who passed laws
were not elected and do not represent the people’s interest.
Furthernore, law enforcement is subject to political
power, which makes the law meaningless.
Even without this amendment,
they have already been carrying this out.
