【禁闻】美宗教自由特使访华 中共延签证


美国国际宗教自由无任所大使苏珊、约翰逊、库克(Suzan Johnson Cook)原计划2月8号启程前往中国,就宗教自由问题与中共官员举行会谈。


去年,美国国会共和党籍众议员史密斯(Rep. Chris Smith)曾经申请签证要去探望陈光诚,但被拒签。









The CCP Delayed Issuing Visa to the U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

American media recently revealed that days ago, despite
the CCP Vice President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States,
the CCP government delayed issuing a visa to the U.S.
Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom.
This has intensely dissatisfied U.S. Congress members.

The State Department spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, said
the U.S. government negotiated to secure the ambassador’s visit to China afterward.

As far as the public is concerned, the CCP forbids Chinese
people from choosing their own religious beliefs because
they are fearful of discussing religious freedom with the U.S.
due to the lethal impact it could have on the party regime.

The United States Ambassador-at-Large for International
Religious Freedom, Suzan Johnson Cook,
had planned to visit China on February 8th to discuss
religious freedom with CCP officials.

According to a Washington Post report, just several days
before Xi Jinping’s visit to the U.S.,
CCP officials refused to issue a visa to Ambassador Cook
or discuss religious freedom issues with her, saying that they were still not ready to talk.

Last year, the Republican Congressman Chris Smith applied
for a visa to visit Chen Guangcheng in China. However, the application was denied by the CCP.

The Chinese democratic activist Zou commented that the
CCP delayed approval of Ambassador Cook’s visa
because they are afraid of any form of freedom, including
religious freedom and discussing any human rights issues.

(Chinese democratic activist Zou): ”The CCP authority is
especially scared of new belief groups such as Falun Gong.
From the beginning, practicing Falun Gong had nothing to do
with governors, and there was no reason to interfere,
but the CCP chose to suppress and persecute the practitioners.
This is a typical example of how the CCP deals with religious issues.
These problems are never settled well at the most
fundamental level.”

Since 1999, the CCP started its persecution of Falun Gong
practitioners. According to the record from Minghui.org,
at least 3,507 practitioners have been persecuted to death
and hundreds of millions more are illegally imprisoned.
However, the CCP has been trying to conceal the truth with
its propaganda tools and diplomatic measures while
they continue harvesting live organs from Falun Gong
practitioners for excessive profits.

As Xi Jinping visits, the Falun Gong practitioners from across
the U.S. gathered in Washington D.C. on February 14th
to urge Xi to investigate all the officials involved in Falun Gong
persecution since 1999.
They also called for an end to the persecution, and
to bring Jiang Zemin and other culprits to justice.

In addition, underground Christians and dissidents are under
the CCP’s suppression and persecution in Mainland China.

(Christian Mr. Zhou from Xinjiang Province): ”There’s no need
to argue about this (the CCP’s persecutions). In China it’s just the reality.
The CCP government definitely will never support any
religious belief.”

An American Christian organization, China Aid Association,
pointed out in their annual report that
last year the Christians in Mainland China have encountered
the most severe suppression and persecution in the last 20 years.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu
