【禁闻】哈珀访华七大使命 人权经济成焦点






前宁波工程学院教授张新宇:“可以这么说,因为哈珀他的保守党是非常讲原则的。我相信他该说的一定会说。 这是加拿大总理这个位置上的,好像开车一样,这个司机他必须要做的事情。”




截至9号,哈珀已经与中方签署了一些贸易协议,其中包括牛肉牛脂的出口。另外,还签署了外商投资保护协议(FIPA)的意向声明书(A declaration of intent )。这项协议协商了近20年,但仍然需要在加拿大国会中辩论和批准。





去年9月,台湾近两百名台商,在台北街头游行,高呼“投资中国,死路一条” 的口号,反对马英九政府与中共签署投资保障协议。


Canadian PM Visits China to Accomplish Seven Goals
Human Rights and Economy Come into Focus Again

The Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, led a
delegation to visit China.
The two sides had meetings and signed several agreements.

Canadian Media analyses that Harper’s visit involved
seven discussion points, and human rights and the economy came into focus.

Harper arrived in Beijing on the 7th for a five day visit, which
was his second visit to China since he became prime minister in 2006.
Accompaniers were 12 government leaders and congressmen,
as well as 40 Canadian business leaders.

Canadian Media analyses that Harper’s visit to china would
achieve seven missions,
which included selling energy to China,
discussing human rights, and leasing pandas.

On the 8th, Harper expressed to Wen Jiabao that he hopes
China won’t obstruct the determination made by UN Security Council so as to repress Syria’s sanguinary conflict.
Meanwhile, he mentioned the issue of Canadian resident Yu
Jiangshan, the political activist currently imprisoned by the CCP.

Zhang Xinyu, a former Prof. at Ningbo Engineer College,
now living in Vancouver, said that human rights issues are the Canadian PM’s work, i.e. Harper’s job.

Zhang Xinyu, “Harper’s Conservative Party always keeps to
their principles.
I believe he could say what he should say.
He is the PM and that’s what he should do.”

Harper criticized CCP’s human rights track record,
and is considered a difficult opponent by CCP.

Zhang Xinyu, “when the Canadian conservative party took
office, Harper has focused on China’s human rights and has not been in line with CCP’s opinions.
However, economic indicators point to the fact that the annual
trade volume has increased.
It indicates that accommodating the CCP’s concealed human
rights abuses is not beneficial to the economy.”

Harper has focused on China’s human rights since he
became prime minister in 2006.
He refused to attend the opening ceremony of the 2008
Olympic Games.
He expressed that Canada would not betray human rights,
democracy, and freedom in order to obtain vast sums of money.
He also met with the Dalai Lama, which infuriated CCP.

Until Feb.9th, Harper had signed trade agreements with China,
including export of beef and tallow.
In addition, he signed a declaration of intent of Foreign
Investment Protection Agreement (FIPA).
This agreement had been in negotiation for 20 years, and still
needed to be debated before approval from the Canadian Congress.

The main content of FIPA discusses ensuring that foreign
investment has equal opportunity in China’s market.

Gorden Chang, expert of Chinese affairs, said that the agreement
would not protect Canadian enterprises in China, plus enterprises wouldn’t gain expected benefits.

Gorden Chang, “the reason is that the CCP won’t carry out
his agreement.
Only the foreign enterprises will obey it.
Therefore, the agreement doesn’t have material meaning.”

Gorden Chang pointed out that the CCP has attempted to
weaken foreign enterprises in China by stealing techniques
under the guise of supervising employees, which has created
less and less opportunity for foreign enterprises.

In last Sept., 200 Taiwanese businessmen protested in Taipei
using the slogan, “investing in China means disaster” to express
dissatisfaction with Ma Ying-jeou’s government signing an
Investment Security Agreement with the CCP.

NTD reporters Chen Han, Tang Rui and Xue Li
