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After Chinese New Year, there are general labor shortages
along China’s coastal areas.
These shortages are also seen in key provinces of traditional
labor services export.
Inland enterprises are competing with coastal areas for
migrant workers.
Experts believe this is a reflection of the obvious issue of
China’s labor force structure.
It shows a lack of employment protection for migrant workers,
and they prefer to stay in their hometowns or work nearby.

Voice Of America reported that only a handful of applicants
attended the first job fair held on the 7th day after New Year.
This took place at the tourist province of Hainan, and
recruiters told local media that this situation is very rare.

Unlike in the past, labor shortages after Chinese New Year
not only happened in coastal areas.
They are now also in traditional labor export bases in Sichuan,
Chongqing and Anhui.
Many inland enterprises have raised wages to compete with
the coastal areas for migrant workers.
Some coastal enterprises are even renting cars to go to inland
areas for recruitment.

According to Hubei Employment Bureau, Hubei Province has
a labor shortage of 500,000 to 600,000 around the New Year.

Enterprises also urgently need labor return in Yangtze River
Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Bohai Sea region.
Department of Human Resources and Social Security (HRSS)
in Guangdong Province predicts short-term labor shortages.
These reach nearly 1 million in the Pearl River Delta region,
after the holiday.
This is about 5% of the total number of workers in this region.

Most jobs in Beijing had 10% to 30% salary increases, but
nearly 100,000 jobs are still pending for workers to return.

Why are labor shortages especially obvious this year?

A study by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences may
have an answer.
It indicates China’s ’employment population growth’ has been
lower than ’employment in demand’ growth since 2004.

In addition, many migrant workers were working to get
their salaries paid before the Chinese New Year.
Jiangsu Province HRSS conducted a special inspection
on migrant workers’ wage payments across the province.
Out of 25,000 employing units investigated,
1226 units have delayed in paying wages.
This has impacted 5.8 million migrant workers,
to the amount of 150 million yuan.

Why do faults with workers’ salaries keep happening?

Mr Sun, a second-generation migrant worker expressed it is
a vicious circle.
It is mainly caused by the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP)’s corruption.

Mr. Sun: “The Government continues to increase investment,
but officials get kickbacks…,
so bidders have to bribe those insatiable officials who keep
asking for more and delay projects funding approval.
This has resulted in a vicious cycle, and building contractors,
bidders and migrant workers cannot get money.

In addition to delayed wages, migrant workers’ also have
problems with residency and social welfare in cities.
This makes them prefer to stay in their hometowns.

Li Shi, Director of the Poverty Research Center of Beijing
Normal University spoke to Voice Of America.
The current urbanization process is not complete.

Migrant workers are not fully integrated into the city.
They have become the side-stream of the city.
This not only distorts the job market supply and demand,
but also impacts harmonious development of the society.

How can this “unfinished" urbanization process, and the issue
of migrant workers’ lack of employment security be solved?
Liu Kaiming, Director of Shenzhen Institute of Contemporary
Observation commented.
Provide the same social opportunities to migrant workers
as the rest of the city population.
Change the flow population to fixed populations, in order
to attract migrant workers to work and live in cities.

Liu Kaiming: “First is to stop the residency registration
system which separates urban and country people.
Migrant workers’ political, social, cultural and economic
rights should be available at the places they work and live.
Provide them with social security, for example, their
children’s education, reunion with their families, housing.
Provide medical care, retirement pension, etc. all social
protection and public services, including technical training.

In addition, Liu Kaiming suggests opening workers’ unions
to protect workers’ benefits and rights.

NTD reporters Dai Jing, Zhou Ping and Xiao Yu
