【禁闻】默克尔将访《南周》 推动价值外交

















新唐人记者 朱智善、李元翰、周平采访报导。


Merkel Will Visit China’s Southern Weekly

German Chancellor Angela Merkel begins her visit to China
on February 2, the first political visit in the Year of the Dragon.
German sources wrote that Merkel will visit the headquarters
of Southern Weekly, signifying promotion of universal values.

Germany and China have 40 years of diplomatic relations,
China is Germany’s second largest economic partner.
Deutsche Welle reported that Merkel’s visit is to attract
more Chinese investors to Germany and Europe.

Before Merkel’s visit, China’s richest man Liang Wengen,
owner and chairman of Sany Group,
announced they bought the giant German concrete
pumps maker Putzmeister.
Liang Wengen is also set to join
the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Central Committee.

The Financial Times reported, Merkel seeks to cooperate with
Beijing, to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions and Syria’s violence.

Reports said that Merkel would meet with political critics
in the German Embassy in Beijing.
Then she will visit Guangzhou,
accompanied by Premier Wen Jiabao.

Merkel also will visit the headquarters
of the media company Southern Weekly.
China Affairs chief editor Wu Fan said,
this is a part of Merkel’s promotion of diplomatic values.

Wu Fan: “Southern Weekly is a media that dares
to report the truth, dares to touch the ball.
The city where this media is located is under the control
of Wang Yang, it is a little more open than other cities.
It can represent some people within the CCP,
who are more open minded.
Merkel hopes through this visit of a media company she can
highlight EU’and Germany’caring about Chinese people."

Chang Ping, former staff of Southern Daily News, told
Deutsche Welle there are two major issues with globalization.
First is to protect the local culture and interests; and second,
to protect the universal values , like democracy and freedom.

Chang Ping points out that Southern Weekly is considered
a media that can speak openly and advocates political reforms.
The US president Obama had been interviewed by Southern
Weekly and Merkel’s visit has a similar symbolic meaning.

Gao Yu, former reporter of China’s News Agency,
and vice chief editor of Economic Weekly shared her opinion.

Gao Yu: “I think in China at the moment there is no
independent newspaper, all are CCP’s newspapers.
However, Merkel is to visit a media that reports for the public,
and tries to follow universal values in some of its articles.
I believe it is a kind of affirmation and praise
for the journalists, it is a kind of support to them."

Chang Ping is Southern Weekly’s former news editor,
deputy editor and managing editor.
He was dismissed last year due to reporting
on issues of Tibet.

When the US President Obama visited China in 2009,
Southern Weekly had an executive interview with him.
However the questions and the report of the interview
were censored by CCP’s Propaganda Department.
Then Southern Weekly published half a blank page to protest.
The chief editor Xiang Xi was later demoted.

Chang Ping described the work in Southern Weekly
like a dancing with shackles.
He hopes the authorities will treat now Merkel differently.

Wu Fan: “It is hard to tell, because Wang Yang wants to join
the (CCP) Central Committee.
He does not want to be in a difficult situation, it is not good
for him, as Southern Weekly is under his management.
Merkel’s choice will certainly
raise Wang Yang’s international reputation.
However, the last word does not come from Merkel,
but from the CCP."

Chang Ping points out, Southern Newspaper Group has been
suppressed by CCP for many years and has a complex system.
Merkel has concerns over China’s human rights; her Southern
Weekly visit is an encouragement for democracy and freedom.

NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping.
