【禁闻】郎朗贬损李云迪 网友专家齐炮轰














“Lang Lang And Yundi Li, Who Is Superior?"

Early in the Chinese New Year, Lang Lang,
China’s highly touted pianist encountered netizen criticism.
Lang was blamed for derogating Yundi Li,
a notable Chinese pianist.
Netizens criticized Lang’s “shallow music literacy,”
“a hyped, packaged star,” who is “too intimate with power.”
The comments negatively look upon the artists represented
by Lang Lang, who collude with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
They will become a flash in the pan regardless of this fame.
And their names will not live forever in history as real artists.

At CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala, young pianist Yundi Li
and the Taiwan star Leehom Wang performed together.
Recently, Lang Lang said in his microblog
that he was originally scheduled to partner Leehom Wang.
Lang’s message swiftly set off a hot wave of discussion
on “Lang Lang and Yundi Li, who is superior?"

On January 29, Lang Lang posted in his microblog:
“Bragging alone cannot give you 120 concerts each year!"

Netizens asked, rushing from one concert to another,
can a pianist immerse himself in playing music?

Western Media had criticized Lang Lang: “His performance style
has been referred to as having “soggy rhythms and heavy phrasing,"
and as being “truly boring", “just bad" and “unendurable".

Critics who feel that his playing is vulgar and lacks sensitivity
have given him the nickname “Bang Bang" “.
The conductor who ever worked with Lang Lang said
publicly that Lang Lang’s musician literacy was shallow.

Financial Times reporter, Timothy Pfaff, commented
after he interviewed Lang Lang.
“…his relentless self-promotion and indefatigable
name-dropping soon proved less appealing than the asparagus beef in oyster sauce."

China’s cultural critic Ye Kuangzheng, believes Lang Lang’s
career will be short-lived, no matter how big his fame is now.

Ye Kuangzheng: “In China, artists of this type receive
one-fold education, i.e., the education of art.
He isn’t capable of making his own judgments
on the political system or cultural events in today’s China.
This kind of artist, no matter how big his fame is now,
will be a flash in the pan."

In early 2011, during Hu Jintao’s US visit, at the White House,
Lang played two pieces of “anti-American" music.
The action drew criticism around the world.

Lang was criticized that he “openly promotes CCP’s
bloody tyranny and lies at the White House."

In June 2011, Lang Lang performed four consecutive shows
at the Sydney Opera House.
Australian Chinese braved the cold to distribute leaflets
at the gate, advising Lang not be used as CCP’ political tool.
They even publicly asked Lang Lang
to behave as a Chinese with conscience.

Ye Kuangzheng: “The status that Lang Lang presents
isn’t limited to one or few Chinese artists.
Such a problem can be seen with over 95% of artists,
writers….in China.
Lang Lang may not really realize that his behavior is against
the conscience that an artist should adhere to."

Ye Kuangzheng adds that an artists lack of judgment
is certainly not going to make him a real artist.
And these touted artists
will soon be turned over in history.

NTD reporters Dai Jing, Li Yun and Sun Ning
