【禁闻】中共的核能 人民的炸弹?


















Safety concerns over management of CCP nuclear plants.

Japanese media have reported a nuclear reactor located on
the outskirts of Beijing had stopped running last October.
This was due to an accident in the generator building, but
was never announced by the CCP, who concealed the truth.
Civilians were panicked by the news, with many of them
calling for truth and refusing to be deceived any more.
Experts have commented that nuclear safety cannot be
guaranteed under the CCP’s dictatorship.

On Jan 25, Japanese media revealed that an experimental
nuclear reactor in Beijing stopped operation due to accident.

Japan News Network (JPN) cited Japan Atomic Energy
Agency (JAEA).
An experimental nuclear reactor, in a Beijing suburb, had
once stopped running due to an accident last October.
The CCP regime, however, had tried to hide the truth. JAEA
confirmed this news to be true after investigation.

The report said that, the malfunctioned nuclear power plant
first began generating power last July.
The nuclear reactor is a fast-breeder type that uses
enriched uranium as fuel.
The plant is the same as Japan’s Fukui nuclear plant, but
there’s no covering shield to stop leakage in Beijing’s reactor.
There are even beds in the central control room for people
to rest, evidence of a very bad level of safety management.

Such news has panicked Chinese netizens.

Some said that, on one hand authorities built nuclear plants
on a massive scale plants.
On the other hand, they were not capable of managing the
safety of those facilities.
Considering that these nuclear accidents had been
concealed, they could not help worrying.

Many Chinese also sharply criticized the CCP’s propaganda
strategy of “reporting only the positive, never the negative”.
Criticism is directed towards official media, which discards
professional integrity and public welfare to conceal the truth.
Some remarked that these media are extremely detestable,
since they helped the bad people.

The netizens also called for an immediate reply from the
government to relieve their panic.

In the evening of January 25th, some Chinese media cited
Wan Gang, Head of China’s Institute of Atomic Energy.
The nuclear plant in Beijing was not running at that time.

According to Oriental Daily News on Jan 26, the
malfunctioned plant was developed under the China
Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) project, which is subject
to the State High-Tech Development Plan (863 Program).

Chinese media reported that, the design, development,
building and operation of CEFT was carried out by China.
There was some technical cooperation with Russia.

Last July, the project managed to generate power for the first
time, which was also reported by some Russian media.

bbc.co.uk/Chinese reports that China Institute of Atomic
Energy is located in Fangshan district, southwest of Beijing.
This is 40 kilometers from downtown Beijing. The “Fast
Reactor” was built there, producing up to 20 MW of power.

Li Xutong, ex-professor of China’s Department of Nuclear
Safety, State Environmental Protection Administration, said
that 80% of nuclear accidents are man-induced; so human
factors are the most crucial in nuclear safety management.

Li Xutong:”What worries Chinese people, as well as the
global society is whether the CCP has enough qualified experts [to manage nuclear safety].
The national regime has been corrupted by the CCP to such
an extent that, you can hardly find any serious or scientific attitude towards real problems.
Any scientific standard can hardly survive under
the CCP’s dictatorship.”

Li Xutong believes that the CCP never reports any nuclear
This is not because they don’t happen, but because they
forbid such news to be reported to the public.
Li mentioned the Soviet Union as an example. All nuclear
accidents were never reported under its governing.
Nevertheless, they were all revealed after its dissolution.

Li Xuntong:”In USSR, there was once a most severe nuclear
accident near the Ural Mountains.
However, nobody knew about it for many years. Many
countries had suspicion about what happened.
However, they could not confirm it until dissolution of the
It is after the dictatorship regime broke down that some
insiders told the whole world about truth of the accident.”

On Jan27, it is reported that Japan’s Atomic Energy Agency
(JAEA) issued an official statement on its website.
It states Sankei Shimbun ‘s news on China’s Fast Neutron
Reactor accident was based on “unconfirmed and
inadequate" information. It said it “is extremely regrettable
that such unconfirmed information went out to news media."

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi, Wu Wei and Ge Lei
