【禁闻】朝鲜神化金正日 民众斥骗人把戏










中国历史学专家李元华:“ 跟共产极权的本质有关,它就是靠骗来做事情的,他对统治下的百姓也是靠骗来维护的,只有这样,他才觉得这个事情可信,在一个封闭的一个环境下,在百姓不了解真相的情况下,它能起到一定作用。”






Communist Rule Deifies Kim Jong Il’s Death

Since communist leader Kim Jong Il’s death,
North Korea’s official media has alleged in high-profile that
Kim was mourned in a mass outpouring of grief.

Even heaven and the earth were touched by snowstorms,
ice cracking, and even birds were sorrowful.
However, Chinese people who went through
a similar history view it all as ridiculous lies.

In the past few days since Kim Jong Il’s death, the North Korean
official media has kept up reporting on domestic mass grief.
However, Reuters has said that people were mobilized to
weep in the street.

Some North Koreans who just fled to South Korea
have revealed the inside story.
Those North Koreans who do not weep are viewed as not loyal
to the state leader.
So the people have to shed tears regardless.

However, many citizens actually feel that now Kim’s life
has finally ended, they can get relax a little bit.

Chinese Writer Tie Liu says, that the scene of weeping for
a dictator’s death is commonly seen in any authoritarian state, it is a pretence.
Tie Liu reveals that he was in jail when hearing of Mao’s death.
Although he was very happy, he had to wear black armbands in morning.

Chinese Writer Tie Liu says: “This was just pretence
in China’s history.
“Actually I was really happy then, for I believed that
after Mao’s death, China’s politics would change”.
The day was September 9 that I wrote a poem,
which can represent the current emotion inside North Korea.
‘Rejoicing at the news of the top’s collapse,
Enjoying the charming sight of the spring water
Putting joy inside my heart away from my face,
Showing my wail even leaving the mourning hall.
That’s the true mood of the current North Korean people,
a tyrant’s death is of course a happy thing for them."

Tie Liu says at that time he eagerly wanted to laugh aloud.

However, he knew that a laugh would bring a longer jail term,
or even an execution, so he had to burst into tears instead.

According to Korean Central News Agency reports,
on the morning of the day of Kim Jong Il’s death,
the ice on Heaven’s Lake on sacred Mount Baekdu cracked,
with a deafening roar.
While on Mount Baekdu there was a snowstorm blowing.

On the night of December 20, a crane circled a statue of
Kim Jong-Il in Hamhung city three times.
The bird stayed at the top of a tree lowering its head,
and then flew in the direction of Pyongyang at around 10pm.

Professing itself as “atheist “, the Communist Party always
reports miracles for its leaders’ deaths. But why?

Expert on Chinese history, Li Yuanhua, gives an explanation.

In communist totalitarian countries, the ruler always
makes up lies to prove the regimes’ legitimacy.

Li Yuanhua says: “This is related to the essence of
totalitarian communism.
The regimes have long cheated the population to
maintain their rule.
Only by doing things this way, can the ruler feel confidence.
In a sealed-off environment,
when the people are deprived of the truth, this practice can help.”

Former associate professor in Journalism at Peking University,
Jiao Guobiao, wrote an article, entitled “How the Chinese cried on Mao’s death".
Jiao cited many examples of genuine grief, weeping
and heart-broken wailing.

Li Yuanhua says that part of the population really feared that
the sky would fall down on Mao’s death.

Li Yuanhua: “Those who didn’t know the truth also felt
that the world wouldn’t go on without Mao.
But later they became aware of how ridiculous that was.

Due to the CCP’s restless propaganda and lies, some people
really thought the last day had come and that the world had lost a great god.
In fact it was just a show directed by the CCP,
the population was deceived.”

Li Yuanhua also says, that people living in democratic
countries may not understand
why the North Koreans cry so sadly for the death of a dictator.

However, the Chinese people who suffered similar experiences
can see the actual cause behind it.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Zhou Tian
