【禁闻】FBI破唐宇华案 海外民运揭身份





六四学运领袖刘刚:“法拉盛凡是见过他的人都知道他的身份是什么,他也希望人们把他的身份告诉大家,否则的话,谁也不愿跟一个《文汇报》普通记者见面,这样见面,唐宇华讲的事情,大家才知道他代表中国政府, 知道他讲的事情能直接传达到胡锦涛那里。”




六四学运领袖刘刚:“她就认为唐宇华给她出了很多高招,一个是要到联合国里面去攻击联合国秘书长, 还把联合国秘书长潘基文的办公室地址、办公室号码、还有去的路线,每天走的路径,全都告诉了曾霞敏,告诉她,可以在这个路上截住他,可以向他扔西红柿,我就跟曾霞敏讲,我说这不是高招,这是陷阱,是让美国FBI抓你进监狱。”








FBI Revealed Tang Yuhua’s Identity

Shanghai Wen Wei Bao correspondent, Tang Yuhua, was
arrested in New York on charges of Commercial Bribery,
causing shock among democracy activists and other Chinese.

A democracy activist pointed out that Tang Yuhua
is very active overseas, contacts many Chinese dissidents,
and doesn’t deny his position as a Chinese agent.
His arrest marks a U.S strike back against the CCP.

Major U.S media only reported that Tang Yuhua and others
were arrested by the FBI for commercial bribery,
but his arrest brought great shock among Chinese
democracy activists, because many of them know him.
Yang Yuhua is the head of CCP spy activities
in North America.

China Peace president Tang Baiqiao, “Many democratic
activists have contact with Tang Yuhua.
He hinted that he has connections with higher ups in China,
what he writes goes directly to Hu Jintao’s desk, and Hu Jintao is made aware right away.
If he is only a spy, how can what he writes a as reporter go
directly to Hu Jintao’s office?
He is very high up, someone told me a week ago, he is at
least a Bureau-level official.”

June-4th student movement leader Liu Gang also expressed
that Tang Yuhua has requested to see him, and talked to him many times on the phone.

Liu Gang, “Everyone who knows him in Flushing knows his
identity, he also wants people to know.
If not, no one would want to meet a regular
WenWeiBao reporter.
After meetings, Tang Yuhua talked about things and
let everyone know that he represents the Chinese governmentand that he communicates directly with Hu Jintao.”

Shanghai human rights activist Zeng Xiamin went to the
United Nations to protest the Chinese Ministry of Railway’s forced demolition of her house.
After she sued the Chinese Ministry of Railway in the U.S,
Tang Yuhua asked to meet her at restaurant in Flushing and clearly expressed that
he is representing the Shanghai government
while discussing with her.
Zeng Xiamin, “After I sued the Ministry of Railway and Yu
Zhengsheng on July 29th,
Tang Yuhua met me as a representive of the Shanghai
government. He repeated asked me to drop the case.”

According to Liu Gang, Tang Yuhua told Zheng Xiamin to
attack the U.N Secretary-General.

Liu Gang, “She thought Tang Yuhua was teaching her some
good methods, one is to attack the U.N secretary-general.
He told her the office address, office number, directions and
daily travel habits of the U.N secretary general Ban Ki-moon.
He told her to throw tomato at him (Ban Ki-moon).

I told her, ‘this is not good method, it’s a trap,
so the FBI can throw you in jail.’”

Tang Baiqiao believes it’s surprising that Tang Yuhua was
held without bail because it’s rare for a bribery case to be without bail.
He thinks the arrest of Tang Yuhua will also affect
other CCP spies.

Tang Baiqiao, “I think this is only tip of the iceberg,
I think more charges will be announced soon.”

Democratic activists believe the arrest of Tang Yuhua
shows a strategic shift in U.S policy towards the CCP.
Liu Gang, “The arrest of Tang Yuhua shows the U.S is
fighting back against the CCP’s methods of using spies and intelligence networks.”

Tang Baiqiao, “The U.S government is signalling the CCP,
this evil, totalitarian dictatorship, that the U.S will not tolerate crimes committed here.”

The FBI also posted the announcement by the
Public Prosecutor’s Office,
which said at the end, “The matter was investigated by
the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

NTD reporter Zeng Zheng
