
【新唐人2011年12月9日讯】在中国红十字会第九届理事会第三次会议上,红十字会官员承认,自今年6月以来遭遇了信任危机,受“郭美美事件”影响今年个人捐款大降。 学者指出,红十字会本身声誉不佳造成民众对它的信任下滑,本身不检讨,却把一切责任推到郭美美身上,非常不合适。













新唐人记者常春 、宋风、王明宇采访报导。

RSCS Announces Sharp Drop in Private Donations Since the “Guo Meimei Incident”

At the third meeting of the 9th Board Conference of the Red
Cross Society of China (RCSC),
its official admitted that the Guo Meimei incident in June
caused a credibility crisis for the RCSC, which resulted in a sharp decrease in private donations.
Scholars pointed out that the RCSC should reflect on its own
behavior to see where the bad reputation stems from, rather than placing all responsibility on Guo Meimei.

On Dec 7th, the Red Cross Society of China announced its
financial results at its Board Conference in Beijing.
In 2011, 4.198 billion Yuan was collected from all levels of
Red Cross agencies in China.
However, at the national level, RCSC only collected
1.049 billion yuan, which dropped by 1.963 billion from last year’s 3.012 billion yuan.

The executive vice president of the RCSC, Zhao Baige,
said that in 2011, the amount of private donations decreased sharply compared to previous years.
She attributed such a decrease to two reasons.

First, many of the disasters in 2011 took place locally and
didn’t involve highly populated areas.
Second, the “Guo Meimei incident” severely damaged the
reputation of the RCSC.

This June, the girl named Guo Meimei showed off her Hermes
bags and Maserati sports car online at her micro-blog page,
where her verified identity is the “Commercial General Manager"
for the “China Red Cross Chamber of Commerce.”
Subsequently, the RCSC suffered the sudden loss of its
reputation and was boycotted by Chinese netizens.
According to China Charity and Donation Information Center,
the amount of donations decreased by 86% from June to August.

(Mr. Liu, a governmental research agency employee in China):
”There’s no doubt that the “Guo Meimei incident” has affected public opinion.
For example, sometimes I also make personal donations.

But after the incident I have to ask myself whether I should
make donations through the Red Cross,
or directly send the money to those who need it.
So the RCSC has a credibility crisis with the public.”

Mr. Liu said that if the RCSC could announce its financial
operations to the public and place itself under public supervision,
its credibility crisis would no longer reach such an extreme.

At the same time, Chinese constitutional scholar
Chen Yongmiao commented that
it’s improper for the RCSC to dodge self-reflection or
self-cleanup by shifting all the responsibilities upon Guo Meimei.

Chen Yongmiao: ”Of course the sharp drop of private donations
due to the credibility crisis for the RCSC was induced by the “Guo Meimei incident.”
However, despite Zhao Baige’s claims that Guo Meimei
was the only irresponsible person,
it is rather the RCSC itself which has been doing all the
bad things for years.
The “Guo Meimei incident” only led to exposing their crimes.

Therefore it is absolutely the whole agency rather than
Guo Meimei herself who should be responsible for everything.”

Chen Yongmiao added that the bad reputation of the
RCSC also comes from its bureaucratic behavior like other CCP agencies.

Chen Yongmiao: ”In principle, all the donations to the Red
Cross should be voluntary.
However, the RCSC has made it compulsory,
such as by payroll deduction from your working units.
If you refuse to donate, you might be punished.

So in essence, the RCSC is a predatory agency
with some political power.
It overturns the principle of voluntary donation and replaces it
with its gang-like behavior.”

Chen Yongmiao has further cause to doubt the RCSC’s

Chen Yongmiao: ”Under the current political regime in China,

I think the issue is whether the RCSC qualifies as a member
of the International Committee of Red Cross.
The ICRC should investigate its behavior.”

Comments also came from outsiders who said that the sharp
drop of private donations specifically reflects that the Chinese people lack trust for the RCSC.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Song Feng and Wang Mingyu
