【禁闻】大陆房价拐点初现 当局再陷两难












中国指数研究院12月1号公布的数据显示, 11月份全国上百个城市住宅均价连续第三个月环比下降,且降幅有所扩大,专家预计,未来大陆房价将加速下滑。


China’s House Prices: Authorities Dilemma

People’s Bank of China issued a report that house prices
in mainland China have reached a turning point.
Some commercial banks are worried about panic selling.

With the Central Bank decreasing the deposit reserve ratio,
people also think the house market regulation will be relaxed.
However, the Ministry of Housing requires the policy
of constraining house purchase to continue next year.
The real estate regulation in mainland China appears chaotic.
Let’s hear what experts think on the issue.

On November 24, the Central Bank and Statistics’ Department
issued two reports on “real estate financial risk management.”
They were,
“The situation analysis of current real estate market,” and
“Investigation report on the impact of real estate market
changes to financial sectors,” and were presented in a forum.
The reports show that according to data, the investment
growth rate of real estate development has begun to fall.
The enterprise funds for real estate development
show a trend of shrinking.
Both the amount and the prices in land market are falling.
The inflection point of house prices has occurred.

At the forum, some representatives of commercial banks asked
whether to induce panic sell-off if the house prices fall by 20%.
The sell-off itself can be a worrying trend,
if the authorities are not able to take effective measures.

Caoan Jushi (political and economic commentator):
“The real estate in mainland China in the last 10 years,
especially after 2008, has reached an extreme in insanity.
The bubble is something everyone can see.
Chinese government only recently acknowledged this fact.
Moreover, this panic will grow with time, and will intensify.”

On November 30, Central Bank announced, from December 5,
the deposit reserve ratio is lowered by 0.5%.
This is the first time that the Central Bank has lowered
the deposit reserve ratio within 3 years.
Some commentators believe that this
is “a signal of relaxing monetary policy.”
Some people also speculate that this may mean,
the regulation of housing market will be relaxed.

However, before this China’s Housing Ministry asked local
governments of 10 cities to continue the policy of constraining house purchase, after it expires at the end of this month.

Caoan Jushi: “Chinese government is facing an austerity,
a stagflation situation. It’s difficult to deal with it.
It’s actually not able to do both. If it stimulates the economy
and issues more money, it will boost the real estate bubble.
If it does not issue money, the economy will collapse.
For it (the Chinese government), this is a very serious problem.”

This year, the crisis in the euro zone caused the European
countries to curb consumption and decrease imports.
Chinese exports to Europe have also dramatically declined.
Thus China’s manufacturing sector declines rapidly too.

Economics professor at City University of New York,
Chen Zhifei, points out that
the recession makes CCP (Chinese Communist Party)
authorities’ prediction to fail,
He thinks the economy in mainland China
faces the risk of stagflation.

Chen Zhifei: “It (CCP) did not think China’ manufacturing
industry and economic growth rate will reach a hard landing point.
So it had to take an emergency measure.
It equals to stopping a car by bumping it.
Now they experience the throttles.
This is why they increased the reserves by 0.5%.”

Chen Zhifei thinks the authorities want to stimulate growth
and avoid hard landing,
but also to suppress real estate market to slow down inflation.
Therefore they are in a dilemma.
He stressed that at present they are afraid the high commodity
prices will threaten their power.
Thus CCP would continue trying to suppress the house market,
in order to ease the tremendous resentment in people.
But next year the authorities may loosen the circulation,
and significantly stimulate the economic development again.

China Index Research Institute released
a new data on December 1.
It shows that in nearly 100 cities the average house prices
in November have declined for a third consecutive month.
And that the decline rate has expanded. Thus experts predict.
the house prices in mainland China will be falling quickly.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Qian and Li Yue
