【禁闻】视访民如敌人 公安监控软件曝光














CCP Develops Software to Monitor Petitioners

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime uses
all kinds of tricks to deal with petitioners across China.
Recently, it was reported that the CCP designed software
specifically for monitoring petitioners across China.
People said it’s absurd to monitor civilians
as if they were enemies.
If the authorities could take the money they spend
on monitoring petitioners,
and use it to improve people’s livelihood,
there would not be so many petitioners in China.

In recent years, the CCP public security police have subjected
petitioners to threats, besieging, intercepting, beatings,
repatriation, residential surveillance, house arrest,
being taken into custody, rehabilitation through labor, jail time,
brainwashing, illegal detention, among other things.

In order to take full control of the population, the CCP
local authorities have worked hard at developing specific software aimed at dealing with local petitioners.
For example, Hongda Software Co. in Liaocheng City
(Inmis.com) was recently exposed for developing software called,
Petitioner Information Management System
for Public Security Bureau.
A similar management system was designed for the CCP’s
public security bureau by Liaocheng-based Shangxing Tianxia Software Co. (Sxtxsoft.com).

Hu Jun, a rights activist: “We already know that they use
such a management system to monitor petitioners and
activists from the local level to the central administration
in Beijing. Now, it has been developed into a software package.
If the regime keeps going this way, several billion people
in China will be subjected to this invasive monitoring system.
If all these monies were invested in promoting a viable
health insurance system or used to improve people’s livelihood, would it be necessary to monitor civilians?"

According to information published on the Sxtxsoft.com
website, the Petitioner Information Management System for Public Security Bureau
is specifically designed to control petitioners going to the
to the Beijing-based State Bureau for Petitions.
The system can categorize statistics based on normal petitions,
abnormal petitions, individual petitions, and group petitions.

An employee from the Shangxing Tianxia Software Co.:
“Yes, there’s computer software specifically designed for petitioners’ information management, to input collected data."

Petitioners’ management software developed by Hongda
Software is being promoted as being able to
successfully monitor petitioners’ appeals that
went unsolved through normal channels.

Hu Jun points out that utilizing technology to control civilians
is really a shameful act by the CCP.

Hu Jun: “What’s the purpose of China’s government?
Isn’t it to make peoples’ lives better,
to enable them to have money for medical treatment,
and to offer help to those in need?
Or is it treating civilians as enemies, to monitor them?
The CCP is so absurd!”

Over the past years, corruption in the CCP as well as the
widening wealth gap and numerous social problems have angered massive groups of petitioners across China.
With the public’s awakening to its democratic rights,
not only are the amount of petitioners soaring,
but the social classes from which these petitioners come from
is also expanding,
which now include farmers, workers, teachers, enlisted men,
veterans, cadres, among others.

Petitioner Li Guozhu: “Why did the CCP authorities develop
these soft wares?
Because it’s seen a dramatic increase in social unrest
in China.
Now conflicts between civilians and the government
have evolved into an irreconcilable situation.
The CCP fears that petitioners are spreading the truth and
expanding their influence in China, and they fear that the
international community will become aware of the
true situation caused by CCP’s decaying authoritarian system."

Li Guozhu also said that the CCP regime is now trying
very hard to block the Internet, to monitor netizens’ spreading
of information, and its official media outlets are afraid to
report the real situation in China.
Massive groups of petitioners who are unable to get their
grievances addressed, are forced to seek help from the international community.
They hope that outspoken independent media and
human rights organizations will draw attention to their near-hopeless situation.

NTDTV reporters Dai Jing, Xiao Yu and Xu Min
