【禁闻】肥美大闸蟹 真假难辨别




大闸蟹摊主 赵女士:“我们这蟹一般都是从江苏过来的,江苏泗洪县的蟹,洪泽湖的多。阳澄湖的蟹虽然好,在这个市场里面来不了。”


阳澄湖地区信阳蟹农场主任 卓正涛:“现在就是外面卖的蟹你假的太多,正宗的阳澄湖大闸蟹变成假的,没有人相信,这个真的这个假的不知道。现在唯一的就是我们协会发的防伪商标。”


上海居民 张又珍:“自己买的还是会有担忧的,不过现在广告各方面还做的比较多,然后呢它有,好像有个防伪标志,里面有可以让我们辨识真假,然后再到专卖店去买,这样呢买的比较正宗。”



Hairy Crabs Compete With Counterfeits

Autumn is a crab season in China. Hairy crabs from
Yangcheng Lake near Shanghai are the most sought-after.
However, fake Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs
have been found across the country.
Avoiding the fake crabs, farmers are seeking
to protect the authentic crabs by tagging them individually.

Hairy crabs can be found in several Chinese coastal cities
across the Yangtze River Delta region.
The crabs from the Yangcheng Lake in Jiangsu
are the most sought-after for their size and taste.

In recent years, the price tag of RMB 300 ($46 USD) for a
large crab makes them a tempting commodity to “counterfeit."
Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs are being sold
in markets and restaurants across the country.

Zhao (Hairy crab vendor): “Our products generally come
from Sihong county in Jiangsu , specifically the Hongze Lake.
Although Yangcheng Lake’s crabs are good,
we can’t get them in this market."

The Yangcheng Lake Crab Association is seeking to protect its
authentic crabs by tagging them with a unique serial number.
This year, each hairy crab was changed with a new
authenticity tag. Once tagged, it can hardly be removed.

Director of Xinyang Crab Farm, Zhuo Zhengtao:
“The thing is, there are too many fake hairy crabs being sold.
The real hairy crabs from Yangcheng Lake are seen as fakes.
No one can tell the real ones from the fake.
The only way to know is to check the authenticity tags
that are distributed by the Crab Association."

The Association’s authenticity tag changes each year. Each
authentic crab is tagged with a unique 12-digit serial number.
The tag includes as well a phone number, which customers
can call on to check the authenticity of their crab.

Shanghai resident, Zhang Youzhen:
“When I buy hairy crabs myself, I still worry about it.
But nowadays, they do inform the public quite well
using advertisements.
They are using this authenticity tag,
so that we can tell the real ones from the fake.
Also, if you go buy them at the specialty stores,
they should be the authentic ones."

Farmers said the crab fishing season arrived late this year due
to setbacks in the weather but said the harvest was looking good for the season.
However, the media reports that “counterfeit"hairy crabs
are still being sold across the country.
Fake “authentic tags" were sold for RMB 0.16
($0.025) each online.

NTD reporters Shang Yan and Xiao Yu.
