














张伟国还表示,中共通过所谓“破四旧”、“文革”等运动,对汉文化几乎毁灭殆尽 。


Dalai Lama On Tibetan Monks’ Self-Immolation

Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, Dalai Lama, currently in Japan,
stated Tibetan monks’ self-immolation is the result of CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) cultural genocide policy in Tibet.
Scholars believe the atheist CCP fears religion, thus carries
out policies of religions’ assimilation and extinction.
Facing its doom, CCP intensifies such practices even more.

Returning to Tokyo from the earthquake hit area, Dalai Lama
told reporters, Tibet is going through CCP’s cultural genocide.

On November 6, tens of thousands Tibetans gathered to
pay tribute to a nun who set herself on fire on November 3.
In recent months, at least 11 Tibetans have set themselves
on fire, 6 have died.
They ask for more religious and cultural freedom, and hope
their spiritual leader can be allowed to return to Tibet.

Senior media expert Zhang Weiguo stated that
the Tibetan religious belief is incompatible with the CCP.
So Tibetans are suffering from unprecedented restrictions in
religious thinking, spiritual and even physical persecution.
Self-immolation is the result of CCP’s violence.

Zhang Weiguo: “CCP brainwashes Tibetan people and lamas,
like what it did to the Chinese people before.
CCP forces lamas to attend the classes it sets up, and locks
up lamas in temples, banning them from mixing with society.
Those who don’t obey are being arrested.
This continuous control puts Tibetan people in despair.”

Editor-in-Chief of Beijing Spring, Hu Ping, said, CCP’s
destruction and damage to Tibetan religion and culture is more concealed than before.

Hu Ping: “It is different from the Cultural Revolution period,
when the CCP destroyed religions without disguise.
Now the CCP promotes religion on the surface, but in fact
it has many restrictions.
One example is the ban on Tibetans to believe in Dalai Lama,
the highest spiritual leader according to Tibetan Buddhism.
On the other hand, a great amount of Han people
have been moved to Tibet in recent years.
They’ve brought over their language and habits. In today’s
Lhasa, it’s strange to speak Tibetan and practice the culture.”

However, the CCP claims that it has granted many
beneficial policies to Tibet.
The CCP media also states that the Han people
and the Tibetans are one family.

Zhang Weiguo stated that the Tibetan religion, culture,
and customs are completely different from the Han Chinese.
Tibet’s cultural heritage is also independent, which challenges
CCP’s implementation of the so-called “One Standard.”
CCP has used many means to assimilate Tibetans
and change them into Han Chinese, so they give up struggle and sense of independence.

Zhang Weiguo: “What the CCP says and does are completely
different. It has the sweetest talk, but conducts the worst deeds.
The CCP wants to change Tibet and Tibetans into Chinese.
On the surface, the CCP says it respects Tibetan culture.
Actually it destroys them and eradicates them in the name
of the so-called religious freedom.”

US Congress published its 2011 Congressional-Executive
Commission report on China recently, stating:
“Despite the Chinese government’s stated commitment to
promoting internationally recognized human rights,
it has tightened and expanded existing means of
government control…”

Regarding CCP’s disgraceful and extreme measures, Zhang
thinks as the 18th CCP National Congress approaches, CCP’s internal struggles will intensify.

Zhang Weiguo: “The CCP has reached its late stage.
It is rigid, it’s in panic and loses its authority and flexibility.
Especially before the 18th Congress, the officials are
competing who is more extreme, tough and harsh."

Hu Ping said that CCP’s destruction of religious culture
is closely related to it’s atheism.
The CCP assesses all religions from a political point of view,
especially when many people form a great spiritual power.
It does everything possible to repress religions, including
Christian churches beyond its control, and Falun Gong.

Zhang Weiguo also believes that CCP’s so-called movements
such as “Destroy the Four Olds” and “Cultural Revolution” almost completely destroyed the Han culture.

NTD reporters Chen Han, Song Feng and Xiao Yan
