
【新唐人2011年10月22日讯】利比亚“狂人”卡扎菲(Muammar Gaddafi)末日来临,利比亚举国欢呼。世界各大媒体21号纷纷报导卡扎菲死亡的消息。大陆民众也在网上讨论:什么时候轮到共产党。分析人士认为,独裁终将灭亡。















Mad man’s Falling Leads to the End of Dictatorship

Libya’s “Mad man” Muammar Gaddafi died on Oct 20.
Right now the whole nation is cheering and celebrating.
The world’s major medias have reported the news since then.
The Chinese people have been discussing: When will be the last day of the CCP? Analysts say that the dictatorship will eventually perish.

Gaddafi is dead.

Resident Ehab Saleh in Qatari said, “I think God gave him what
he deserved because he killed many people.
He was supposed to exile from the beginning.
After eight months, around 50,000 people died.
It’s over now."

Beijing suspiciously ordered a ban: Not to hype up people
cheering about Gaddafi’s death.
An announcement issued by Central Propaganda Department:
“Don’t vigorously report Gaddafi’s death and don’t spread it.
The reports should keep low profile and
silently fade out on the net in two days.
Especially, don’t report local people’s celebration.

News reports should focus on other aspects such as
Gaddafi’s fighting till the end and not to cover his 42-year autocratic rule.”

Does Gaddafi’s death frighten the CCP?

Chinese democracy activist Wei Jingsheng said that like Libyans,
when people are oppressed to a certain extent, they will start to resist.
They will overthrow the dictatorship
no matter how much sacrifice it may take.
The rule of the Communist Party is the same.

Chinese democracy activist Wei Jingsheng said:
“The CCP’s regulations are the same.
If Chinese people fight to the end,
it’s very likely that they won’t let the CCP off.
It’s a serious warning to the CCP.
It’s more obvious for Chinese people.
That is, the people must have the determination
to overthrow the regime.
As long as the people rise, no matter how advanced the weapons,
how powerful the army, the regime will be eliminated in the end.
Gaddafi is a typical example."

Politics and economic commentators Lee Jianmang said
that because the autocratic CCP controls too many resources,
the entire decision-making system is not transparent to the outside
world, and it causes the society to be suspicious of each other.
So, dictatorship itself is a threat to the society and the world.

Politics and economic commentators Lee Jianmang said,
“The CCP is a party dictatorship, not an individual dictatorship.
91% of China’s billionaires are the descendants of the CCP.
That is the problem.
The distribution of benefits throughout the country has been
completely deformed, so it definitely causes social discontent.
The CCP’s problem is that if it doesn’t compromise
with the people, there is no way out.”

Currently in U.S., Chinese political commentator Cao Changqing
told in an NTDTV interview that Gaddafi is like North Korea’s
Kim Jong-il and the Chinese leader.
In order to show off their forces and intimidate people, they like to
organize military parades and display aircrafts, artilleries, and military phalanx, etc.

Chinese political commentator Cao Changqing said,
“Gaddafi was killed.
It especially gave the 1.4 billion Chinese people a huge shock!
In the last year, from the revolution of Tunisia and Egypt
to Libya’s overthrowing the regime and to the present,
Syrian people fight for freedom, etc.
All of these send a strong signal to Beijing that autocracy must end!
This signal is very strong."

Cao Changqing added that the modern technologies like internet,
Facebook, and Twitter prevent the dictatorships monopolizing
information and controlling the news like before.
People who know the truth will have the courage to resist.
That is the main reason brings changes to Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.

“Beijing Spring" magazine editor Hu Ping urged the international
community to have a clear understanding about the CCP regime
and to help the Chinese people end the tyranny sooner.

“Beijing Spring" magazine editor Hu Ping said, “As early as
22 years ago, when the June 4th massacre happened,
condemnations came from everywhere, domestic and overseas.
But this was not a very effective way.
Many people gave up this resistance out of helplessness.

Finding a more practical way to drive a dramatic
change in China is the most important issue.
Right now not only me, but also the entire international community
must be aware that the rising CCP regime harms the people. "

Facing Gaddafi’s death, the CCP media sarcastically reported
Western medias’ reports on the one hand, and blocked the people’s
cheering and celebrating Gaddafi’s death on the other.

NTD reporters Chang chun, Zhou Ping and Guo Jing
