【禁闻】陈光诚生死成谜 网友失踪














Visiting Chen Guangcheng, Volunteer Netizens Disappeared

China’s blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng, released
in September 2010, has been concerned by netizens.
On October 5, human rights activist Liu Shasha and
other volunteers paid a visit to Chen. However,
on the same day, all the volunteers were disappeared,
Miaojue, a Buddhist nun, who help watch their luggage
in Xuzhou city, were arrested that night.
Sources said that Chen Guangcheng may have been dead.

On October 5, a number of netizens across China including
Hunan, Jiangsu, Henan and Beijing, initiated a campaign
of Paying Visit to Guangcheng in October.
Volunteers include Henan based rights activist Liu Shasha,
and Xinhua News Agency reporter Shi Yu among others.

Wu Qi (volunteer): “So far as I know, totally about 12
volunteers (to visit Chen). One seems to be Zhu Guangli,
he seemed to enter into the village through sorghum land,
but later he was disappeared. Two other volunteers waited
at Linyi Railway Station for Liu Shasha to pick them up,
but later they were lost contact. ”

Buddhist nun, Miaojue, who stayed in Xuzhou city to help
watch their luggage, said that early morning of Oct.5,
when Zhu Wenli set off to scout out the land, he was told
by a villager that Chen Guangcheng had been dead.

Wu Qi: “ Yesterday (Oct. 5) Miaojue doubted that whether
Chen Guangcheng had been beaten to death. We haven’t
heard of any news from him. Up to now, there have been
three groups of volunteers to go there, but no one saw him.”

Wu Qi told NTD that at night of October 5, around 11:00,
Miaojue called her saying that someone was knocking
on her door and claiming to check ID card.
When Miaojue opened the door, her phone was cut off.
Wu Qi estimated that Miaojue would be sent back
to Guangdong today.

NTD reporter called Miaojue, but could not be connected.
Sources said that she has been arrested by the authorities.

Then, how about Chen Guangcheng?

Rights lawyer, Jiang Tianyong, who has been concerned about
Chen all along, believes that although Chen is in the danger,
the death is very unlikely.

Jiang Tianyong (Rights lawyer): “No one has received
any news about him. What anyone knows that now
he should have been free, but was completely deprived of
freedom by the local authorities. They put him
under house arrest. And for anyone who goes to see him,
his personal safety cannot be guaranteed.
The volunteers were beaten and the local authorities threw
them far away or ask the National Security Police
to bring them back to their residential province.
I heard that at short intervals, the local authorities regularly
gathered some idle personnel, rushing into their home,
to beat Chen and her wife.”

Last month, Liu Shasha and other netizens tried twice
to unblock the barrier to visit Chen Guangcheng family.
But under the tight blockade of the so-called stability
maintenance forces, she not only could not enter into
the village, but also was beaten and robbed. Liu was
abducted and abandoned in a very far away wilderness.

Chen Guangcheng was imprisoned for four years due to
his helping stop authorities from forcing peasant to have
abortions. Last September, he was released from prison
and returned home at Yinan county, Shandong province.
Over dozens of police guarded him around-the-clock.
He was limited access to the outside.
His cell phone was cut off. Only his old mother is allowed to
go out to purchase necessities under close surveillance.

NTD reporters Li Yun and Wang Mingyu
