






中共外交部周二发表声明指出,美国参议院通过的这一议案违背世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)规则。



何军櫵:“怎么可能长久啊?首先你违反了世贸规则,同时我们国内的老百姓,我们的购买力是非常之低的,我们的工资占国民GDP的总值的比重,也是全世界非常低的国家。由于购买力不足,那么只有通过基础建设投资,以及以出口导向为增长的这两架马车来拉动GDP,来保持较快的经济增长,但是这样一个模式是不可能长久的。 。”



Expert Analysis on U.S. Senate’s Exchange Rate Oversight Act

Anchor: On the evening of Monday October 3rd, U.S. senators voted to pass the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011 which favored tough tariffs on the artificially depressed Chinese currency. Would this legislation impose any harm to the Chinese populace? Both industry sector and economic experts share their views.

News: According to the Act, the administration must impose duties on currency manipulators after 90 days of failure to adopt appropriate policies. In comparison to the current law requirement for deliberate manipulation, this new Act has lowered the penalty threshold. Meanwhile, the U.S.Dept. of Commerce can require an investigation into undervaluation by a government.

Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of South Carolina Aiken, Dr. Xie Tian analyzed that once this bill becomes the law, it will drive the CCP to restore the current low commodity prices to normal competitive prices, and reduce the stress on the US industry and employment. Therefore, it will be welcomed by the general public and the government. However, is it going to hurt the general interest of the Chinese?

Professor Xie Tian: “It would not hurt the general public’s interest in China. Without the manipulation of currency and export policy, in fact, the Chinese exporters, the general public, and the production line personnel, would have made profit and benefited from export. The reason why they have not been able to really obtain their benefits was because they have been deprived by the authority and the privileged.

Business consultant Mr. He Jun Jiao believed the legitimacy of the U.S. government to follow market and economic principles and to protect the public and business interests. He also pointed out that the depressed RMB exchange rate created by the CCP does not truly benefit the Chinese.

Mr. He Jun Jiao: “The wealth caused by export growth has not actually reached the hands of the general public. Instead, it only brought more foreign exchange reserves for the Chinese government to purchase more bonds and a variety of financial products from the U.S. and other developed western countries. Through this financial transfusion, it helped to maintain a high living standard in these free western countries. What the Chinese government does is rather immoral."

The Chinese Foreign Minister issued a statement on Tuesday that this Senate Bill gravely violates WTO rules.

Professor Xie Tian: “This statement will not hold. When China first entered the WTO, it clearly promised to reduce tariffs, not to manipulate the currency and to promote free trade. In fact, China has been violating the WTO agreement. It is entirely in line with international practice and standards to request the correction of the erroneous practice of the CCP."

He Jun Jiao indicated that the CCP has been violating WTO rules to artificially depress the Chinese currency. This type of economic growth will not last long.

Mr. He Jun Jiao: “How could it last? First of all, you have violated the WTO rules. Meanwhile the domestic purchasing power is very low. Our total wage share of national GDP is one of those relatively poor ones in the world. Due to lack of purchasing power, the GDP has been driven by two main carriages, that is, investment on infrastructure construction, and increasing export. That’s how economic growth has been relatively rapid. However, this model is not likely to last long."

The Senate vote coincides with a trip to Beijing by Treasury Under Secretary Lael Brainard who reinstates the undervalued Chinese currency. Dr. Xie Tian indicated that this is a clear message from America that the CCP should quit manipulating the currency, let the RMB appreciate freely, and return wealth to its people.

NTD reporters Bai Mei, Shang Yan and Zhu Di.
