【禁闻】汪洋左批薄右揭俞正声 牵动邓家族



















Deng’s Family In The Power Struggle

With the approaching 18th National People’s Congress
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),

veteran insiders became more active in their power race.
The family of Deng Xiaoping got involved too,

in the fight of Wang Yang, from the Youth League faction,
and Yu Zhengshen from the Crown Prince faction.

The ‘Chanting Red Striking Black’ movement initiated
by Chongqing municipal secretary of CCP, Bo Xilai,

was viewed as an effort to establish his public image
as a ‘red heir’ and as a strike on his predecessor, Wang Yang.

As a direct opposition to that, Canton province’
CCP secretary Wang Yang emphasized

that “Increasing the awareness of a crisis
is more important than chanting the glories."

The Southern Press, under Wang’s influence,
continuously criticized Bo’s movement.

Boxun website quoted a veteran official’s statement,
that if Bo was selected in the Standing Committee,

“this will lead to an all-aspect downslide of China,
and bring a huge disaster."

Overseas media reported that Hu also opposed
Bo’s entry to the Standing Committee.

Wang is the second one after Li Keqiang, recommended by
Hu’s Youth League faction as successor for CCP’s leadership.

He contributed a lot in the strike down
of Jiang Zemin’s Crown Prince faction.

Recently, Wang exposed that Shanghai municipal CCP
secretary Yu Zhensheng collaborated with Jiang’s faction,

and embezzled $2 billion from Beijing-Shanghai high speed
rail construction funds, attracting a lot of attention.

Zhang Weiguo (Chief Editor, Dong Xiang magazine):
“We can see clearly Yu’s position in Shanghai,

with one foot in the Crown faction,
and the other in Jiang’s faction.

He is very old now, so Hu did not consider
his entry to the coming 18th congress."

Yu’ mother is Fan Jin, former Deputy Mayor of Beijing.
His father is Yu Qiwei, former Tianin City Mayor,

and Minister of Machinery Industry. Yu’s family was related
through a marriage to Chiang Kai-Shek’s family.

Yu’s brother use to be Chief Intelligence Officer in the
North America section of China’s National Security Ministry.

In 1986, he defected to the USA, which led to the arrest
of a 40-year CCP spy, Larry Wu-tai Chin.

Yu Zhensheng was Deng Xiaoping’s son’s most trusted aide.
However his brother’s defection annoyed Deng Xiaoping

and hindered his promotion. Thus he was appointed
as CCP’s Shanghai secretary only after 2007.

Last December, with the accompaniment of Yu, Jiang Zemin,
Zhu Rongji and Li Ruihuan went to see Beijing Opera
at Shanghai Theater, which was viewed as a support to Yu.

Zhan Weiguo: “Zhu Rongji seemed to be at odds
with Li Ruihuan politically.
However, he showed up with Li to support Yu. The power
push behind this must be from Deng Xiaoping’s family,
nobody else can do that. So we can see there is an effort
of Deng’s family to continue their influence through Yu."

On June 21, Yu showed up at the reception for release
of a new book, ‘Jiang Zemin’s Days in Shanghai.’
He tried his best to flatter Jiang with his speech,
and Jiang’s secretary was present to support.

On CCP’s 90th anniversary, Yu held a lecture
at Shanghai Communications University,
educating the students on the loyalty toward the CCP.
However, he is involved in many corruption allegations.

In 2007, a “common mistress"scandal sent
the Finance Minister, the National Security Minister,
and many others behind bars.
Yu was also investigated.

In 2007, Finance Magazine reported on a RMB70 billion
state-owned company corruption scandal, involving Yu’s son.

In 2006, when Yu was CCP secretary of Hubei province,
he helped the brother of former Head of Railways Ministry,
Liu Zhiju, by impeding the accusations
against Liu’s corruption and murdering of a witness.

In 2006, a big fire occurred at a teachers’ condo building,
and Yu’s propaganda team found out,
that Wang’s Canton newspapers took up
1/3 of the reports on all national newspapers’ coverage.
Some analysts hold that the recent high-speed rail corruption
scandal released by Wang might also slay his political future.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Yuanhan and Zhu Di.
