【禁闻】乌坎村抗争未完 龙头村再揭竿起义


















Villagers Uprising

A large-scale conflict between police and villagers in Wukan
Village, Lufeng, Guangdong Province had not yet been over,
when their adjacent Longtou Village had a similar ‘uprising’.
Recently, villagers in Longtou Village demolished all walls
around illegally occupied land by developers, and held
banners to protest unauthorized trading of land by officials.
Local villagers said there were too many corrupted officials
in Lufeng, and people are forced to use ‘uprising’.

Wukan village land disputes caused bloodshed, arousing
adjacent Longtou villagers ‘to protect their family and land’.

Longtou villagers posted on their microblogs: a single spark
can start a prairie fire, following the Wukan village,
Longtou village also launched an anti-corruption uprising!

On September 23, thousands of angry villagers went to land
on sale by local officials. They found a few bulldozers there.
They tore down the walls of about 600 acres of land.
Many people pulled up banners, held hoes,
and other tools to prevent the authorities
of sending police to stop their work.

In the process of dismantling the walls, no police interfered.
Some villagers said this was impossible in the past.
It is possibly because the police are busy to deal with
Wukan villagers, where the situation is tenser.

Later on villagers gathered near Lufeng government building,
holding up banners to protest against their land being seized,
demanding punishment of village officials
who sell their land and embezzle the money.
Their banners read “We swear to protect our arable land.
We will die if the land is sold.”
“Officials and businessmen colluded, bought and sold
600 acres of fertile farmland for a profit."

Villager Zhang said, on September 24, Hong Kong reporters
went to the scene, but were blocked by government officials.
Over 200 villagers protected the reporters to interview
and take photos, and also protected them to leave safely.

According to Hong Kong’s Ming Pao, 18 years ago, local
government confiscated nearly 1,000 acres agricultural land
in the name of developing new community, and promised
to pay RMB4,000 to each villager later on.
However, the program stopped as an unfinished project,
the villagers did not get compensation,
and the government did not return the land either.

A few years ago, developers suddenly enclosed 600 acres
of land with walls, and prepared to build buildings.
Villagers tried to get some information and visited the land.
However they were threatened, “Do not hinder our
development, or else you will be killed once we see you!”

Villagers said they began to appeal since 2005,
and it had been six years so far.
From Guangdong to Lufeng, no official dealt with it.
Villagers also said, each village in Lufeng has land issues.
From central to local levels of government
all cheated each other and protected merchants.

Taiwan-funded enterprises staff told Ming Pao reporters,
that corruption is very serious in Lufeng.
Local government officials, regardless of rank,
often demand money from factories and enterprises.

Netizens wrote that local farmers’ protests had also spread
to surrounding villages, like Qisha and Bailan.

Now searching ‘Lufeng’ or ‘Wukan’ on microblogs, shows:
’Results can’t be shown due to laws, policies and regulations.’

Guo Zhongxiao, working for a media in Hong Kong, told
Deutsche Welle, he often received complaints from villagers.
Most of them were related to land disputes. Officials
and businessmen selling land together is common in China.
Guo said: “At the grassroots level in a village, there is no
restriction of power. This situation is very common."

Recently, Guangdong region had many protests
due to various social conflicts.
In June, thousands of workers have demanded
to get their unpaid salaries, and had conflicts with the police.
Again in June, a policeman had beaten street vendor
and his pregnant wife violently, triggering mass protests.

NTD reporters Li Mingfei and Xiao Yu
