【禁闻】“八万哥”一餐8万 上中央党校吃喝


















网民们议论说:“远看像座庙,走近是党校,只供腐败分子来深造。”“习近平好校长啊 。”“世界上学生犯罪率最高的学校:中央党校。”“知道时日不多了,抓紧时间奢侈。”“世纪末疯狂。”“这个国家已经摇摇欲坠。”


The 80,000 Yuan Dinner

Recently, a group of second-generation rich Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) officials bragged about their wealth
on a blog, saying that they spent 80,000 yuan (US$12,525)
on a meal, which included the meat from
nationally protected giant salamanders.

In addition, they posted pictures of their luxury goods,
the nightclubs they visited, their expensive cars,
and their pricy watches.

One official mentioned that attending the Central Party School
means eating and drinking to your heart’s content,
while being accompanied by leaders of
the Ministry of Public Security.
Shortly after, the event became a major forum topic among the
netizens with authorities rushing to delete all traces of the blog.

One official, Zheng Wen, who is from Jiangsu Province,
but lives in Beijing, Shenzhen Province, and Canada,
claims that he has close ties with China Salt Industry Group,
while others say that he is an investment banker.
Zheng Wen posted on Sina microblog a copy of
the 80,000 yuan (US$12,525) dinner bill dated September 2,
from the Shun Feng Restaurant,
located on Beijing Summer Palace Road.
The bill showed that10 people had enjoyed dishes,
which included nationally protected animals
like a giant salamander, priced at US$2,192,
Australian lobster: US$459, per 17.6 ounces,
king crab: US$49 per 17.6 ounces,
Kobe beef: US$1,064 per 17.6 ounces,
a bottle of 15-year-old Maotai: US$6,012,
a box of moon cakes: US$676,
and a yolk moon cake: US$115,
for a grand total of 83,630 yuan (US$13,093).
That evening, the 10 officials watched a football match
between China and Singapore.
After watching the first half of the match,
they gambled on who would eventually win the game.
The one who lost would pay the bill.

Zheng Wen said on his blog, “Thanks to the poor performance
from the Chinese team, someone else paid the bill, not me.”
Zheng Wen posted messages on an evening blog, saying:
“Now that we are back at the Central Party School,
we’ll drink a lot this evening.

The new provincial class started again, so here I am.
We had a merry time chatting and drinking with each other,
after we got back to the Party school that evening,
We chatted about the country, the economy, and relationships.”
Lawyer Guo Xu, wrote on his blog that
“A meal for 10 officials from the provincial class of
the Central Party School spent more than 80,000 yuan
Writer Tianyou replied, “Isn’t it too obvious?
It is many times more sensitive than Guo Meimei.”
Zheng Wen called lawyer Guo Xu on September 4
to defend himself.
A record of the conversation was posted on Tudou.com.

Zheng Wen: “The dinner was so expensive
because the prices were expensive. We had no choice.
However, I didn’t say I had dinner with other Central Party
School members. I just went there to see my friends at school.”
Lawyer Guo Xu, replied on his blog:
“Firstly, the blog is an open forum,
and so many posts are related to the Central Party School.
Thus, we should pose the question to netizens.
Secondly, personal education information displayed
on the blog was from the Central Party School’s youth class.
Thirdly, please send journalist to investigate.

Zheng Wen replied: “You can question anything
you want and I can totally agree with your questions.
But your blog was deleted,
therefore is has nothing to do with me.
I am not clear why it was deleted and it is not necessary
for me to explain anything to anybody.”
Lawyer Guo Xu: “Since you called and mentioned this,
I didn’t make up any story on the blog.”
Zheng Wen: “I didn’t say you made up a story.”

Lawyer Guo Xu: “Make up anything you want,
but not on your blog.”
Zheng Wen: “But you talked about the incident
in such a way that it could make some people misunderstand me.
They might really believe what you said about me.”

In another blog, Zheng Wen said:

“Drinking with officials from the Ministry of Public Security,
I definitely have to do it.”
Zheng Wen also posted many photos of the nightclubs
they visited, the name brand watches, bags,
and luxury goods they sported, including a Porsche,
a Ferrari, and other luxury cars.
Former Shaanxi TV editor, Ma Xiaoming:

“Now, a bottle of wine and a meal costs over 10,000 yuan
(US$1,565.68), each.
This is well known so it is not news any more.

However, this bill is equal to 16 years’ worth of living expenses
for an average family.
Such extreme extravagance and greed
have now become common place.”
According to News Online, Zheng Wen was the boyfriend
of Nie Chenxi, who was crowned Miss Chinese,
in Toronto, in 2005.

In order to participate in the competition, Nie hid two of her
previous relationships and asked Zheng Wen
to deliver money to two ex-boyfriends,
equivalent to 200,000 yuan (US$31,316).
In addition, Nie ordered Zheng Wen to hire thugs
to beat and harass ex-boyfriends.
Zheng Wen’s blog became instantly popular on the Internet.
He is now known as the “80,000 yuan brother.”
Hong Kong’s Apple Daily, China’s nfdaily.com,
China Daily, and the Global Times reported on the incident.
Later, the CCP authorities deleted the blog
and all Internet posts relating to the topic.
At a school spring opening ceremony, Xi Jinping,
the headmaster of Central Party School, sang the song,
“Rights for the people, love for the people,
and benefits for the people.”
However, in June, Chen Baosheng, the vice-headmaster
admitted that there is widespread corruption within the Party,
saying, “The people’s trust in the Party is gone.”

Netizens are saying, “It looks like a temple from a distance,
but actually it is a CCP school when you get close to it.
It is designed for corrupt elements to study how to become
more corrupt,” and “Xi Jinping, what a good headmaster,”
and “The school with the world’s longest criminal record:
the Central Party School,”
and “Time is running out, surround yourself with luxury,”
and “The end of this century is crazy,”
and “This country is crumbling.”

NTD reporters Lin Li, Li Yuanhan and Bo Ni
