【禁闻】自称毛泽东孙“认祖归宗” 中共不认
















赵岩:“ 毛家的几个后人我都见过。这个人长得是最像的。但是是还是不是?这个东西很简单,把他的血抽出点来,DNA一下不就知道了吗?不过中共的态度是,是,可能也不会承认。为什么?张玉凤还给老毛生两个呢。共产党怎么可能承认这些是他的孩子呢?承认了不就是耻辱吗?”



Mao’s Grandson Ignored by CCP

Recently, Lu Boquan, a special figure among Shanghaiese
petitioners has become popular on the Internet.
Lu claims himself to be Mao Zedong’s grandson.

He tells the public that while Mao went to Shanghai to raise
money after the Zunyi Conference,
Mao mortgaged his son Mao Anlong to a Shanghaiese
tycoon named Huang Jinrong.
Mao Anlong’s current name is Lu Jinfa.
He is more than eighty years old now.
He went to Beijing six times in the 1960s to seek Mao and
to try to return to his birth family,
but was labeled “anti-CCP element” and imprisoned.

People say that Lu Boquan resembles a young Mao Zedong.
Lu Boquan: “My last name is Lu.
My father was once called Li Zhongzheng,
now his name is Lu Jinfa.
He is Mao’s third son, born in a prison."
Lu Boquan said, in 1935, after Chinese Communist Party’s
(CCP) Central Committee Politburo’s “Zunyi Conference,"
Mao went to Shanghai with his third wife He Zizhen,
CCP members Zhou Enla, Ren Bishi and a dozen guards.
Via the underground party, Mao found Huang Jinrong and
wanted to borrow money from him.
Huang demanded to take one of Mao’s sons as hostage,
but didn’t like his first and second sons.
Lu Boquan: “Mao’s alias was Li Lanjiao (lit. rotten foot).
Li Lanjiao negotiated with Huang Jinrong in Shanghai.
During the negotiation, Mao’s third son came back.
He presented a cup of tea to Huang and said,
“Uncle, have some tea.”
Huang then decided to take him.
Huang laughed and asked Mao to mortgage his
5-years-old son to him. Mao signed the contract.
Lu said since then, Mao’s third son Mao Anlong was raised
by Huang Jinrong’s follower Lu Zhaodi.
Later, Mao Anlong’s name was changed to Lu Jinfa,
and he began to roam about after at the age of nine.
In 1966, Lu Jinfa went to Beijing six times to reunite
with Mao, but he was put into prison for a year.
In 1968, he was labeled as one “anti-CCP element.”
Lu Boquan: “Zhou Enlai said that there was no
such a person called Li Lanjiao.
By the end of 1967, my father Lu Jinfa wrote to Mao again.

On May 23, 1968, Mao made a written order which read,
‘Find Lu Zhaodi to confirm your identity as my son.’
30 years after the notice was issued, in 1996”
Lu Jinfa was first notified of this order.
In 1996, Lu Boquan followed his father’s footsteps
to continue petitioning to reunite with his birth family.
Lu Boquan: “On March 12, 2001, they imprisoned me and
locked me in a psychiatric hospital for 10 years.
When sending me in, the police station said,
‘We got Mao’s grandson here for you.’
The psychiatric hospital said, ‘lock him up,’ and
Imprisoned me for 10 years until 2010.
After Lu Boquan was released, he and his foster mother
went to Beijing to petition.
According to “Boxun Network,” they have been monitored
constantly in a distance.
People that interviewed them later went missing.
Lu Jinfa is more than 80 years now.
The reporter of “Boxun network" found him at an
apartment in Yangpu District of Shanghai.
Lu Jinfa lives with his wife. Their home looks shabby.
Lu Boquan thinks that the authorities have refused to do blood
tests must have some secrets to hide,
because Lu Boquan’s father was mortgaged by Mao to borrow
money. It would reflect badly on Mao’s image.

Zhao Yan, former correspondent of New York Times
in Beijing said that around the year 2000,
he saw Lu Boquan was pasting posters and was arrested
at the Central Office for Petitions and Appeals.
Zhao Yan: “As soon as he pasted the slogan, he was arrested.
When I saw him, they were pushing him into a police car.
I didn’t have a chance to talk to him.”
Zhao Yan believes that even if Lu Boquan is Mao’s real
grandson, the CCP will not be willing to acknowledge him.

Zhao Yan: “I’ve seen some of the Mao’s descendants.
Is one person the descendant of Mao or not?
It’s quite simple. Just draw some blood and test his DNA.
Here comes the answer.
However, the CCP’s stance is whether the result is positive,
it probably won’t acknowledge him.
Why? Zhang Yufeng also gave birth to two children of Mao.
How could the CCP recognize all those Mao’s children?
Isn’t it shameful to recognize all of them?

According to the CCP, Mao Anlong was born in 1927.
He is the third son of Mao and Yang Kaihui.
Mao Anlong’s whereabouts remains a mystery.
Some said he was lost in Shanghai;
some said he was killed by Swine Flu or dysentery.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Xiao Yan
