【禁闻】“输血爱滋病”受害者 闯北京会议


















AIDS Victims Broke Into UN Conference

On July 4, over 30 AIDS patients from across China
broke into UN-hosted Beijing Red Ribbon Forum.
These victims of blood transfusion-associated AIDS
demanded punishments for the responsible parties
and medical assistance to the HIV-infected people.
Experts say that the Chinese communist regime
has caused the wide spread of AIDS in China and
has prevented victims from getting compensated.

The organizers of Chinese Red Ribbon Forum
invited only government officials and experts
from Joint UN Program on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS).
Blood transfusion-associated AIDS victims
and their families were not invited.

NGO Aizhixing organized over 30 AIDS victims
from different provinces to pressure the conference.
They narrated the bitter struggles for their rights
and demanded the Health Ministry and companies
that caused blood infections to take responsibility.

Human rights lawyer Zhuo Xiaoqin was uninvited,
but he broke into the meeting and gave a speech.
Zhuo told NTD that this out-of-control epidemic
is attributed to the mismanagement by authorities
and the ruling party’s stability maintenance policy.

Zhuo Xiaoqin: “The victims should be compensated.
They should have their rights fulfilled. Currently,
these people’s rights to prosecute are suppressed.
Their prosecutions are usually rejected.
Hospitals with illegal practices are not punished.
If people’s rights are not protected,
and criminals are not punished,
the society can only become increasingly chaotic.”

Zhuo said that some AIDS victims are in prison
for safeguarding their rights. To maintain stability,
the regime even overrides the law.

Zhuo: “Courts deprive victims from their right to sue,
as well as their right to be compensated.”

Tsinghua University sociology Professor Li Dun
made a pungent speech at the AIDS forum.
He showed pictures of dying HIV-infected people
and uncompensated AIDS victims facing riot police.
Many conference attendees were moved to tears.

Li thinks that the government agencies lack
legal knowledge or deliberately misinterpret the law.
Hence, victims cannot receive legal assistance.
The government officials’ “hostility” has delayed
the AIDS issue resolution for a long time.

An anonymous relative of an AIDS victim objected
the forum’s proposed compensation without a fault.

AIDS victim family member: “The government’s
negligence caused major medical accidents.
We will still pursue the legal responsibilities
of those liable for the spread of AIDS epidemic.
Also, as serious medical malpractices were caused
precisely by government’s mistakes or negligence,
victims should be compensated by virtue of law.”

In the 1980s and 1990s, some places in China
were vigorously promoting a “plasma economy”.
Hospitals lured people to sell their blood.
Many died of AIDS infection from blood transfusion.
These victims’ interests were never protected.

A victim revealed that the infection rate is very high
among people that sold their blood.
Among the infected, the mortality rate is also high.

AIDS victim: “In Aug 2002, in our village,
90% of people were found to be infected with HIV.
All the people that donated blood were infected.
Over 300 people have died so far.
Only about 280 are still alive.”

This victim pays for his own medical treatment.
The government only gives out common medicines.
More expensive drugs are bought by him.

Founded in 2010, Beijing Red Ribbon Forum
serves as a platform for the UN,
the Chinese authorities and Chinese NGOs.

NTD reporters Liang Xin,Song Feng and Zhou Ping
