















针对这个现象,署名静心的《因果实例 报应不虚》文章说,希望那些被邪党欺骗、利用的人,明白因果报应后,能明辨是非,悬崖勒马,停止行恶,将功补过,让自己善有善报。


Most Dangerous Job: Head of 610 Office

Online Chinese forums ranked the ten riskiest posts
in China, including Minister of Land and Resources,
Police Chief, Director of Housing Management, etc.
The occupants usually end up in prison for corruption.
However, few people know of a new “high risk” post,
which has very high mortality rate in recent years.

Yu Yuejin, 610 Office Director in Laiyang, Shandong,
died suddenly of brain hemorrhage on Apr 20, 2011
at the age of 54.

Song Qingguang, Laiyang 610 Office deputy director,
died suddenly after drinking. He was in his 40s.

Zhang Shiming, 48, 610 Office director of Huanggang,
Hubei, died of heart attack on Feb. 14, 2005.
His successor Wangke Wu died from liver cancer
in April of the same year.

Li Qun, 610 Office director of Yakeshi, Inner Mongolia,
died of cancer; his successor Li Haiqing couldn’t work
due to an incurable illness.

On Nov. 8, 2004, 610 Office director Wang Funian
and two subordinates of Meihekou City in Jilin
drove to arrest a Falun Gong practitioner.
Their car fell into a river. All three died on the spot.

On June 22, 2003, 610 Office director Long Qingfu
of Shiping County, Yunnan died in a car accident.

All these are real cases exposed by Minghui.org.
The similarity in these cases is the people’s workplace,
the 610 Offices. For this reason,
610 Office-related jobs became “highly dangerous".

What exactly does 610 Office do?

Heng He (Current Issues Commentator):
610 Office was set up in 1999 to persecute Falun Gong.
It is an agency of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
It is a “secret organization" and illegal tool initiated
by Jiang Zemin and the CCP to persecute people.

Founded on June 10, 1999, as the CCP’s
“central leading group of the Falun Gong issue",
is commonly referred to as “610 Office."

Heng He: Its establishment was never approved by
the National People’s Congress or publicly revealed.
It is not a publicly acknowledged agency.
But it does exist, and it is omnipresent across China.
It is a control system used by CCP to persecute people.
It is a party tool to suppress people.

On March 16, 2010, the U.S Congress passed
Resolution 605 with 412 votes support vs. 1 against,
demanding the CCP immediately end the persecution,
imprisonment and torture of Falun Gong practitioners.

The resolution requires that the CCP immediately
abolish the “illegal organization 610 office".

The reported deaths of 610 members are only
the tip of the iceberg. According to the traditional
Chinese belief that “good and evil will be repaid",
death of 610 members are not accidental.

An article “Karmic Retribution is Very Real" by Jingxin
said, after understanding karmic retributions,
hopefully those deceived and used by the evil CCP
can stop doing evil, atone for their crimes,
and be rewarded for their future good deeds.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Wang Mingyu.
