【禁闻】欲到美国圈钱 中国公司成打假目标

【新唐人2011年6月11日讯】长期以来,到美国上市,圈美国股民的钱一直是无数中国公司的理想。但事实证明,美国股民的钱,并不像中国股市上那么好“骗”。 由于中国公司被发现欺诈的概率太高,而成为了美国企业的打假目标。












Chinese Firms: Investigation Targets

It has been countless Chinese firms’ dream
to have their stocks listed on the U.S. exchanges.
However, the U.S. investors have been proven
to be more cautious than the Chinese stockholders.
As Chinese firms have a large probability of frauds,
they have become targets of fraud investigations.

U.S.-listed Chinese firms’ decade-long reputation
may have been lost in the last 3 months.
This is the latest comments by the foreign media.

UK Financial Times reported on June 10 that
Chinese concept stocks continued to drop broadly.
20 stocks dropped over 4%, 3 dropped over 10%,
and 11 stocks dropped over 5%.
6 stocks fell below their record lows or 52-week lows.

As per Reuters, U.S. brokerage Interactive Brokers
issued a strong warning on Tuesday.
Due to recent frauds of many listed Chinese firms,
it banned its clients from borrowing to buy 160 stocks,
including Mecox Lane, Sina, Dangdang and Sohu.

Some Chinese firms consider the listing thresholds
of U.S. capital markets to be low.
So they want to have their shares listed in the U.S.

These listed firms entered into U.S. stock exchanges
through reverse merger, which allowed them to avoid
the IPO review process. However, after entering U.S,
they found themselves in a multi-faceted spotlight,
with severe regulatory penalties.
Besides SEC, there are stock exchanges, auditors,
law firms, hedge funds, media, and investors.

Financial Times Chinese section’s contributor
Xin Haiguang wrote, as many Chinese firms have
accounting scandals and frauds, after investigation,
some hedge funds would short these firms’ stocks.
After the shares plunge, they cover the short positions.
In doing so, the hedge funds have made profits.

These hedge funds are called “Air Force",
as they initiate a stock shorting mechanism,
which effective controls market frauds.

In recent months, short sellers attacked a large
number of Chinese firms listed overseas,
accusing them of frauds or other misconducts.

Chinese 21st Century Economic Report revealed,
“The famous Tiger Fund also short sold.
Tiger Global Fund hired two people based in Beijing
specializing in detecting frauds.”

As per Financial Times, in the past six months alone,
over 25 New York-listed Chinese firms were exposed
of accounting scandals or auditor resignations.

Xin believes that the lack of honesty has been
a common problem among Chinese firms.
On the Chinese market, frauds were never controlled.

Chinese financial commentator Qiu Lin said,
as China Securities Regulatory Commission’s
regulation is full of loopholes, insider trading and
collusions between officials and firms are common.
False financial statements are common in China.
However, the firms would be day dreaming,
if they think they can commit frauds in the U.S.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Qi Yuan
