【禁闻】安内蒙 肇事司机判死 中共危机难解
















Inner Mongolia’s Made-up Consolation

The biggest in 30 years protests in Inner Mongolia
last month followed the local truck incident,
where a herdsman was killed for protesting.
The track driver Li Lindong was sentenced
to death this Wednesday. It’s unusual for CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) to pronounce judgment
for a case in less than a month.

According to media, the intermediate people’s court
of Xilin Gol League made its first-instance judgment
on June 8, to sentence driver Lin Lindong to death,
co-driver Lu Xiangdong to life imprisonment,
and the other 2 suspects to 3 years in jail.
160 people from Xilin Gol League attended the court.

Inner Mongolia CCP secretary Hu Chunhua urged
the suspects to be sentenced quickly and heavily.

Ethnic Mongolians: “Students are not in school
and are protesting, they won’t be silent.
If it wasn’t for the students’ strike,
CCP would by no means make a move.”

Inner Mongolia Xiwu Banner: “It’s a discontent
for all, as students and citizens come out to protest.
They’re pressuring the CCP and CCP has no choice
but to address the problem.”

As Li Lindong’s death sentence was made public,
Hohhoters told NTD reporters the situation seems
to ease up, but core issues were still left unresolved.

Hohhoters: “Armed policemen were still guarding
places such as bus and train stations, airport
and shopping entries. Typically for students,
though they are able to get in and out of campus,
ID is checked 3 times in mornings and afternoons.”

Exiled Inner Mongolia Rights League president
Xi Haiming in Germany said that it’s all very fake
how CCP gave such a quick death sentence,
pretending to care for Inner Mongolians’ livelihood.

Xi Haiming: “European information center says
40 people are seized by CCP so far, including
some young teachers from west Inner Mongolia.
They said Western hostile forces are intervening,
an excuse made for further crackdown.”

Chinese Rights activist Wei Jingsheng says
its a blatant excuse to blame foreign hostile forces,
as it is well known that CCP is the problem maker.

Wei Jingsheng: “Nationality problems in China
are intensified by CCP’s oppression of people.
For protests of any kind, the main contradiction
lies between people and bureaucrats. Nationality
problems and other seemingly nonpolitical problems
are in fact a vent for people to release anger.
Autocracy is the cause to all problems.”

Inner Mongolia demonstrations aside,
rights activities and protests are happening
across nations, the Jasmine Revolution has lasted
for 3 months so far. An army named
“Anti-CCP for China” was launched online,
calling for national anti-CCP protests and activities.
In Beijing an announcement to PLA appeared
calling for military coups from the PLA.

There are reportedly four shortages in China,
the shortage of money, jobs, electricity and water.
These are the main cause for the economic downturn.

Wu Fan (a critic): “CCP is facing big problems.
Fatal social unrests and revolutions are underway,
and will fundamentally affect Chinese society’
politics, economy and livelihood.”

NTD reporters Liang Xin, Li Jing and Wang Mingyu
