














“Red Dog”: Unnatural Life

Everyone knows about unnatural death, but few
pay attention to “unnatural living." Australian writer
Qi Jiazhen proposed this idea of unnatural living
and explained it with her painful life experiences.

In Qi’s book, “Red Dog" she described her agonizing life
in Chongqing, China after been sent
to a labor camp for been a “counter-revolutionary."

Qi Jiazhen: “(Once) in a dream, I saw a person stripping
the skin of a live white dog. Blood turned the dog
into a red meat ball, the dog’s whole body was trembling
in pain with tears in its eyes.
After I woke up, I thought about this red dog
and felt that I was that red dog, because I didn’t die,
I continued to live."

Qi Jiazhen was born in 1941. After graduating
from high school in 1961, she dreamed to become
China’s “Madame Curie." She gave blood for money a
nd sold her mother’s treasured watch. She went
to Guangzhou twice, trying to go abroad. Qi Jiazhen
and her father were labeled a “counter-revolutionary"
and punished for treason.

The people described in “Red Dog" live
unnatural lives. “We were suppressed and
prosecuted for political reasons. The regime used
state power to force you to live an unnatural life."

In 1971, Qi was release, but didn’t regain freedom.
She felt as though she had fallen into a bigger prison.
Qi was deprived of all rights and lost her dignity
as a human being. Qi said that her life was harder,
more complex and painful than inside the prison.

Qi thinks that the fact the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
has caused 80 million “unnatural deaths" is a dreadful
crime that should be brought to justice. However,
those who were persecuted
but didn’t die also require attention.

She said that unnatural living was another heinous
crime of the CCP. This crime can not be ignored,
because these people are still alive.
The number of such people way exceeds 80 million.
For every single person living an unnatural life,
those close to him will also suffer unnatural living.

This “unnatural living" resonated among people
in- and outside of China. Many have begun to reflect
on the unnatural living of the Chinese people.

Chinese dissident and scholar Jiao Guobiao said:
“Unnatural living is a very important concept
that realistically and accurately reflects people’s lives
in China. He thinks that very few Chinese
are exempt from an unnatural life.
During the Great Leap Forward, 30 million died
from starvation, but those who lived unnaturally
were more than 8-10 times this number.
During the Cultural Revolution, 20 million died
and every Chinese lived an unnatural life."

He said, at present there are millions of petitioners,
tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners,
tens of millions of underground Christians,
hundreds of millions of migrant workers,
all living unnaturally; overseas exiles,
Tiananmen mothers, Liu Xiaobo, Gao Zhisheng,
Chen Guangcheng, Hu Jia, Feng Zhenghu
and Xiao Qiao, none of them lives a natural life.

Australian writer Ah MuCe said, in terms of time,
already generations of Chinese live unnatural lives.
In terms of space, many overseas Chinese,
like herself, live unnatural lives for quite some time.

Some also commented that, under CCP’s pressure,
Chinese live unnatural lives, but with China being
so closely connected to the world now, Chinese
might not be the only ones who live unnaturally.

NTD reporters Liang Zhen , Zhou Yulin and Xue Li.
