【禁闻】敏感期 陆媒抽签坐堂版 怕秋后算账




高瑜(北京资深媒体人):“我总觉得最重要的还是主管,现在的记者呢,你说他有一些,是坚持普世价值的,坚持一定要为六四平反的,很多传媒人已经都被处理了,一波一波的,从六四到现在,每年都要处理,我们就是89年就被处理了! ”










Panic-Stricken Chinese Media

Tainted food, forced demolitions, unjust verdicts,
droughts and intervened elections all took place
during the “sensitive period” around June 4,
intensifying the public discontent in China.
Media controlled by CCP (Chinese Communist Party)
are walking a fine line under public scrutiny.
Out of fear of CCP’s future punishments,
the media professionals try to shun responsibilities.

June 4 is the 22nd anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre;
the 100th anniversary of Xinhai Revolution is in Oct;
and the CCP will turn 90 years old in July.
CCP tightened media control in this sensitive period.
Management of many media companies is in fear
of being punished for publishing sensitive news.

Beijing-based senior media reporter Gao Yu said,
as the CCP heavily censors the Chinese media,
many youth never heard of Tiananmen Massacre.
However, as some articles are overlooked by editors,
info about Tiananmen has appeared on CCP media.

Gao: I think media directors are of vital importance.
Some reporters pursue universal values,
and they call for redressing the Tiananmen Movement.
They have been dismissed without exception.
We were dismissed in 1989.

Hong Kong’s Ming Pao reported that
a newspaper’s editorial supported Ai Weiwei.
When reviewing the article, the editor only saw
Ai’s mourning of quake victims, not his disobedience.
After article’s publication, the editor was punished.
He pleaded innocence as there were no explicit words
and he was unaware of the sensitive situation.

Reporter Mo Jufeng said, during sensitive periods
or festivities, local police often warn the media
to not publish any so-called “negative news”.
However, some reporters with a conscience,
still made an effort to publish the news.

Mo Jufeng: Some of the reporters cautiously publish
sensitive news via special channels,
because they do resent the CCP’s dictatorship.

Ex-chief editor of Baixing magazine, Huang Tianliang,
notes that most Chinese media are CCP’s mouthpiece.
The Chinese media can only accept what they are told.
An editor-in-chief in China is a sentry, who must do
what his boss asks him to do, against his conscience.
If he doesn’t obey, he would be fired or punished.

Huang Tianliang: If you want to speak the truth,
you must be prepared to lose your life.
It’s a big sacrifice.
Being an editor with conscience is never easy.
You must be prepared to sacrifice yourself.

Political and economic problems continue to increase.
Gao Yu said, during Tiananmen Movement in 1989,
the public demanded CCP to correct its mistakes.
Instead of changing, the CCP cracked down on them.
That is why CCP today upholds Mao Zedong,
for if Mao gets denied, CCP would lose its legitimacy.

Gao Yu: Tiananmen Massacre was a turning point
for CCP, when the public asked for a political reform.
People wanted to rectify Mao’s mistakes and crimes.
CCP opted for the path of privileged capitalism
after the massacre, which is an issue that will get worse.

According to RFI, before and after June 4,
many Chinese netizens expressed their mourning
to victims of Tiananmen Massacre with blog posts,
most of which were deleted soon by Internet monitors.

NTD reporters Liang Xin, Tang Rui and Wu Huizhen
