







而《北京之春》杂志主编胡平认为:中共当局最怕的就是人民享有言论、结社、 集会和游行等基本人权。这次,内蒙政府的做法还是先安抚,再压制。







CCP Settles Score with Mongolians

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) settles an old score
with Mongolians after their earlier demonstrations,
with 90 people arrested. Among them,
there are students, professors herdsmen and residents.
Rights activists say, the demonstrations were held
due to CCP’s policy failure,
but settling old scores is CCP’s usual practice.

New York-based South Mongolia Rights Centre says
out of the over 90 people arrested,
40 participated in the Xilin Gol League Incident;
the other 50 participated in Hohhot protests.

Previously, secretary of CCP committee Hu Chunhua
was reported to have promised to Mongolian students
to punish criminals and to place public interests first.
Hu dismissed West Ujimqin Banner CCP secretary
and compensated the victims’ families with cash.

Few days later, CCP switched to military crackdown,
which reminds people of 1989 Tiananmen Massacre,
when CCP promised no future punishment,
and CCP’s promise of not banning Falun Gong in 1999.

German-based activists of Inner Mongolia League
called on June 6 for the world’s attention on
CCP’s vengeance on Mongolian activists and students.

President of Inner Mongolia Rights League,
Xi Haiming: It’s CCP’s old trick
to promise no afterwards punishments at first,
but later they arrest and kill people.
They are very vengeful. They never forget or forgive.
They also beat the dog before the lion.

Despite CCP utilizing various means, such as
forced weekend classes and exams on parade days,
Xi said the Mongolians’ protests did not end.

Hu Ping, editor-in-chief Beijing Spring magazine
suggests that CCP is mostly frightened by
people exercising their basic rights, such as protesting.
They calmed people first, before cracking down.

Hu also said such demonstrations expressed
deep-seated discontent of the ethnic Mongolians,
and the failure of CCP’s ethnic policies.

Hu said, Inner Mongolia’ recent economic growth
relies on over-developing underground resources.
That spawns a number of nouveau riche officials,
and a drastically deteriorated ecological environment.
Ethnic Mongolians suffer environmental damage
while benefit far less from the growing economy.
Similar to Zang and Wei ethnic minorities,
ethnic Mongolians became marginalized at home.
Unless ethnic autonomy or a federal system exists,
it is difficult for different ethnicities to live in harmony.

Commentator Heng He thinks that CCP are creating
its own gravediggers by producing more enemies.

Heng He: None of the current enemies of CCP comes
from those in 1949. They are rather made by CCP
during 60 years of its rule. It’s common understanding
that the CCP are the roots of all evils.

Heng said that the CCP is asking for rebellions.
However, he does hope for a peaceful regime change.
He appeals to all to quit CCP and its affiliations,
to ensure a peaceful transition into democracy.

NTD reporters Song Feng and Wang Mingyu
