
【新唐人2011年6月7日讯】美国国会众议员史密斯( Chris Smith) 形容中国现今的人权状况“糟透了”,有必要采取行动。他向国会提案,禁止签发入境签证给侵犯人权的中国官员,及他们的直系亲属,希望借此向中共领导层施压。关心中国人权的各界人士都寄予期待,希望法案的通过。







胡平(《北京之春》杂志主编):“照道理说,在这个体制下的官员,程度不等的都有侵犯人权、都做过这种事情,那么怎么样把这个责任弄得更明确一些、更集中一些,因此变得比较好认定,执行起来可行性就会大一些。如果得到通过的话,它是有相当的好处,我想它首先表明一种道义的立场,另外 对这种事情也多多少少有一定惩戒的作用。”






Motion to ban Rights Violators from Entering USA

US congressman Chris Smith said, the current
human rights situation in China is deplorable,
and actions need to be taken.
He proposed to ban the Chinese officials, who violate
human rights, and their families from entering the U.S.
People concerned with China’s human rights situation
hope that his proposal will be passed.

AFP reported that congressman Chris Smith,
chair of the House human rights subcommittee,
made this motion on June 4.

Smith said, human rights situation in China has been
the worst ever since 1989, as the regime (CCP) is
now flagrantly tramping on human rights.
The motion is to warn the CCP not to oppress people.

The motion proposes, Chinese officials that took part
in abusing rights activists, lawyers, journalists and
crackdowns on ethnic minorities, forced abortion,
human trafficking and Korean refugee repatriation
will be banned from entering the U.S.
The ban also applies to their immediate families.

Xiang Xiaoji, student leader during the Tiananmen
student movement, told RFA, since the crackdown,
the CCP used near-mafia means to suppress
Chinese dissidents and human rights activists.
From this perspective, the human rights
in China have severely deteriorated.

In regard to Congressman Smith’s motion, Xiang said:

Xiang: If the U.S. legislates this first,
it will influence the international community
and other countries or organizations will follow.
I believe it is a sign of progress.

Hu Ping, editor-in-chief of Beijing Spring magazine,
supports this motion. He said, the CCP often criticizes
the U.S. to link human rights to economic affairs,
but in fact, the CCP has been constantly doing so.

Hu Ping: Under the CCP’s regime, all the officials
have violated human rights to a varied degree.
Then, how to identify them, clearly define their actions,
and define what they are responsible for,
so as to better execute the punishment against them
and increase the chances of success in the execution?
This motion, if passed, will serve this purpose.
First of all, it stands on a moral ground,
punishing the human rights violators.

Many Chinese netizens in a forum supported the bill.
Some said: “Good! Must join forces with EU and Japan."
Some added: “Should include corrupt officials, too.
This can contribute to anti-corruption in China!"

In May, Smith stressed on a subcommittee hearing
that the harassment of the human rights lawyers
by the Chinese authorities has shown an absolute rise.

Well-known Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng also
attended the hearing to testify, “in the past 6 months,
China’s human rights deteriorated rapidly".

In recent months, the CCP intensified its repression
of dissidents, rights lawyers and foreign journalists.

NTD reporters Zhou Ping and Li Yue
